Seafoam warm or cold? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Seafoam warm or cold?


October 24, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
New Hope, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Hey guys i was just wondering if it makes a difference if you seafoam a warm engine as opposed to a cold one. I was thinking of running some through this weekend, and i dont remember if i warmed my car up first last time.

Thanks, Jason

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I usually do mine first thing in the morning while cold. I really dont think it matters

I do it whens it warm becasue i feel that everything in the motor like CARBON will be hot and easier for the seafoam to work. That stuff has done wonders to my truck. I have been posting on another thread about knock sounds and it has resolved it alot.
