Seat Covers 2008 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Seat Covers 2008


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March 12, 2012
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Second post here and a new owner of a 2008 Sport Trac! Since I travel alot witih a little dog I want to get seat covers for it. Does anyone have any reccomendations?

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I have Pittsburgh Steelers logo seatcovers on the front (mine has the tan cloth seats that get dirty while you watch) and a canvas one for the rear that we got from some mail order pet supply place. We have a 74 lb greyhound.

I'm in your same situation, I've found a good place but theyre not cheap. Remember if you get front seat covers to get ones that are built for seats with side airbags. I'm planning on getting the CR-Grade Neoprene front seat covers and Ballistic rear seat covers for my 50 lb boxer.

I bought front and back sets for my 08 from covercraft. They are the seatsaver style. They fit well and seem very durable. I can get pics for you if you want. Cheapest place I found was Summit but actually got them though Jegs since they pricematched and gave me free shipping. I think I paid around $250 for front and rear.

pictures would be great. What color did you go with? Thanks!

I ended up going with the Taupe ones. They do not recommend putting dark colored seat covers on light colored seats...otherwise I would have went with the black ones.





thank you so much for posting the great pictures, it helps to see them actually on a seat.

In my home town we have a company called Motor Sheep that sells a variety of covers, primarily sheepskin but even saddle blanket covers. They have been in business many years and are very reputable. I've bought from them several times, although not for my ST (yet). You can search for them under Motor Sheep Reno.
