seats comfortable? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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seats comfortable?


June 11, 2012
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I am wondering everyone feels the seats are comfortable?
How come I do not feel it that way?

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My wife felt the same way when we test drove a 2013 xlt. They felt a lot better on the limited with 302a package and luxury seating package. They also were heated and cooled. I know she loved the cooled seat. This is probaly why we will spend extra money to get the limited and the heated and cooled seats. Its always hot in Georgia, air conditioned seats should not be an option.

- because you are driving a Honda :eek:

just kidding - but you do not list if you drove base, xlt, or limited. Nor does your profile list if you own an explorer / specs.

I have 2013 Limited w/ 301A and love the seats and leg room for a 6'4" build. With the 10-way seat & lumbar support, it was great on 6 hour trip.

But that is my opinion.


I am wondering everyone feels the seats are comfortable?
How come I do not feel it that way?

You need a better seat adjustment?

I love the cooled leather seats.

I find the seats in the XLT to be good and comfortable but the steering wheel is what I've discovered to be uncomfortable on our recent trip. It's just too darn small in my opinion but the car felt great all the while.

I find my seats super comfortable, they feel great and I've had lower back pain for years. I've got a 2 week 4000 mile trip coming up soon and I think the seats will be great for such a long trip.

What seats do you have in your Explorer ?. I've got the leather option though, I find leather seats to be more supportive than cloth seats.

I have the 2013 Limited with heated and cooled seats and I find them to be very comfortable after I did adjustments to my liking.

Nearly 170 hours in my EX and never felt uncomfortable. 2013 Limited

For me the verdict on seat comfort is still out but so far, the longest trip I have taken involved only 5 hours of sitting. My problem is that I cannot tilt my seat forwrd enough to get away from the feeling I am sitting in a hole. Because of the "hole" feeling, I also get some pressure from the seat on my outer legs. I noticed this effect on all 4 2013 Limiteds I test drove but figured if it does become a serious problem I will get a small pillow to fill up the hole. BTW, I do not have a large "posterior". :) Overall I really like the Explorer experience. The potential seat issue and small gas tank are my only two dislikes to date.

hahaha bingo! I am driving a Honda right now~
thanks all for the response.
I really donot wanna to pass explorer by this issue

- because you are driving a Honda :eek:

just kidding - but you do not list if you drove base, xlt, or limited. Nor does your profile list if you own an explorer / specs.

I have 2013 Limited w/ 301A and love the seats and leg room for a 6'4" build. With the 10-way seat & lumbar support, it was great on 6 hour trip.

But that is my opinion.


Just spent all day hopping from one 4Runner to another...and we have had a recent Honda, '08 to be exact....the Ex has great seats. Have to admit the best seats we sat in during our car shopping were ina Volvo XC60 and, much to our surprise, the Nissan Murano. Pains me to say that a bit, but those were really comfy, even in the back seat which is rare.

Volvo seats have always been really good, the newest ones are sculpted- they're awesome... Sat in an S60 and nearly fell asleep... :D
