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serpentine belt


Well-Known Member
December 20, 2002
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Tampa, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 EB/SPORT 4x4
This guy told me when in was in the shop for something else (about a year ago) that "your serpentine belt was going to break any day", well it hasnt happened yet. It does look somewhat worn and cracked, but i have been using a really good belt dressing since then and was wondering if that really helped, or if that guy was just blowing smoke? Does this thing give you any warning before it goes? or does it just go??

Anyway, thanks in advance for any info.

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Yes, it does give a is called having cracks in it. :)

If there are cracks in it, replace it. They are easy and relatively cheap to replace.

The cracks will be on the grooves, on the under side of the belt. Just incase you didn't know. If you've never had the belt changed, then it's worth the $20 or what ever a belt costs to change it.

Its always a good idea to change a cracking belt.

get a goodyear gatorback, they are the best ;)

Where do pickup a gatorback belt? What do they run price wise? I have called alot of local partshops and no luck.

I Finally found a link on the web to find a place that carries them.

Also make sure to click the button on the page that says install the part(s) myself.

And call around. Goodyear wanted $44 and autozone wanted $35.
