Shackles with air ride | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shackles with air ride


April 18, 2006
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Eddie 5.0 AWD
Its been mentioned in a few threads without a resolution. I've been searching the forums and I have not been able to find out how/if warrior shackles affect the auto leveling air system. I've contacted Warrior Products and they referred me to Firestone AirRide, still waiting to hear back from them.

Anyone have confirmation on this?

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Chillax - give it at least 24hrs before you bump your thread.

If you change the ride height by using shackles you'll have to modify the ride level sensor arm. The system uses an arm attached to the axle and the frame and it is set to level at stock height. If you change the height you'll have to find a way to have the arm set the switch to off at the new ride height.

Cool, thanks Albi.

Just noticed your from 08215. I'm in Somers Point. I'll keep my eye out for the white mountaineer in your Avatar during my travels.

No problem. I get down to the Point quite a bit. You'll know if it's me, there's an Explorer Forum sticker on the rear hatch window. The rear cargo area windows say " JEEP, You realize Barbie drives one." I love that one. Not that I don't like Jeeps, I used to have one. But one of my friends has one and it drives him nuts every time he sees it. If you need anything else just PM me and let me know.
