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shakles and spacers


Active Member
December 2, 2003
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City, State
Fremont, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
Ive heard alot about lifting by using shakles and spacers. Ive got a friend who has the shakles, so how do i go about getting the spacers? I heard that they were like from f-150's? I dunno so if someone could help me out the would be great. Like a part number or the place where i could get them. And how much can i get. I also have a 3 in body lift.

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F-150 Coil Spacers:

Those are the part numbers, you can get them new for like 30 bucks, or go to a U-Pull it and they are on 2wd f-150s and I'm not sure of the years but I think it's late 80s early 90s

So do i need to get both of those, and just one of each?

one of each, one is for the left side and one is for the right side...i think...i haven't actually done this yet, i've just been gathering info

Thanks. Anyone know anything about 2" lift springs and AAL as opposed to the shakles and spacers? Prices and pro's and con's. If anyone knows lemme know. Thanks

If you look around a little, someone on here has some f150 spacers for sale. ;)

Just alittle tip on the install. The spacers (Lower spring seats) are marked left and right...put them on reversed (left on the right side and right on left side). They seem to fit much better that way.

Good Luck

snowboard15 said:
Thanks. Anyone know anything about 2" lift springs and AAL as opposed to the shakles and spacers? Prices and pro's and con's. If anyone knows lemme know. Thanks

Yes. The 2" lift springs will give you 2". The f150 spacers, probably only 1.5"-1.75". Should ride about the same in front too. Most people here have actully combined in the rear shackles and AAL, if the rear is already sagging it will match the front with 2" lift springs great!

Prices....I am not sure on that.
Shackels, $50.
AAL $30(?)
F150 spacers $20 per side(?)
2" lift springs $70(?)

If it were me, I would go with both shackles and AAL in the rear and the 2" lift springs up front. Keep in mind you will need to align the front end when you are done and it could cost you about $50-$100 more than a regular alignment would after the spacers or springs. The shop who does the alignment will usually need new camber adjustment cams and that is what makes the price more.

Sure hope some of what I said helps. "My .03"
