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Shock question


February 1, 2000
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What kind of shocks do you guys recommend? I dont drive off road, mostly highway. Also, how hard is it to replace the ball joints? And one more ques., what are the symptoms of the Radius Arm bushing going out? I have a "bottoming out" noise that seems to be coming from the front passenger side of the truck, and I cant figure out what it it. Oh yeah, the truck is a 93 4dr XLT
Thanks for the help, Jason

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Well I dont know about your radius arm question, but the shock debate has gone on here for quite some time. It seems that if your willing to spend the money Eldebrocks are the way to go. Personally I have them and love em to death. My truck is only 6 months old, and it was a big improvement over stock shocks. It got rid, of alot of the lean that suvs are notorious for. If you want to go a little cheaper, I have seem people say that the monroe sensitracs are very good if you drive mainly on the street. Then you can go even more expenive and go with the Ranchos, or Blistiens. But most poeple here swear my the Eldebrocks as I do. You can get them at pretty cheap. I know someone had posted a site, where he found them for like 35 bucks each. If you do a search on shocks, I am sure you can find it. I dont remeber off hand. Well Hope I helped a little

'99 Sport SOHC Auto
K&N filter, Air box mod
Bosch 4+'s, Lowered, Eldebrock shocks

Jason - we've been really happy with the Rancho 5000s on our '94. Our truck sees mostly highway right now, not much offroad yet. Dead Link Removed Just make sure you get the right size if you're going to do a lift.

Your RA bushing could very well be making your bottoming out noise. The one on the passenger side is usually the first one to go due to its location. The heat from the catalyc converter will roast and toast it. Or you may have a loose shock. As far as shocks go, i have monroe sensitracs and am very pleased with them. I do mostly highway driving with an occasional gravel road.


shawna l.
