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shocks with lift

99 xplorer-XLT

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January 1, 2003
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99 explorer xlt
i did a TT, shackles, AAL and body lift, what shocks would you recommend and how would i go about getting do i have to tell the place that i get them from that they need to be 2" longer or what? i am not looking to spend a ton of money, but i will spend $150 or so. thanks:D

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I used Rancho RS5000 shocks on my 92 X with spacers/shackles. They[/url] cost $165 shipped to my door and when I ordered them via the internet I put 1.5" lift when it asked on the order form. Good luck!:D

thanks dude, i was thiknin about those shocks....could i get some opinions on the pro comp ES9000s

I know its above your price range, but I just ordered 4 Rancho RS900X from for $209 shipped. This is an amazing deal for these shocks. Ask any built X owner and they'll probably agree with me that these are one of the best shocks out there (9 way adjustable so you can fine tune them to what you want)

I really like my Rancho RS5000 shocks.....I noticed a great difference in the ride and handling of the X.......I can't imagine how much better the RS9000X shocks would be.:D

Originally posted by HokieBert
I know its above your price range, but I just ordered 4 Rancho RS900X from for $209 shipped. This is an amazing deal for these shocks. Ask any built X owner and they'll probably agree with me that these are one of the best shocks out there (9 way adjustable so you can fine tune them to what you want)

hmmmm that is a good deal. i might have to do that too. did you get them 2" longer? and if you did, does it cost more to do so? thanks man

Originally posted by 99 xplorer-XLT
thanks dude, i was thiknin about those shocks....could i get some opinions on the pro comp ES9000s

I've got the ES9000s (extended 2") and like them quite a bit, however I do occasionally go off road and tow a trailer. The 9000s are a little firm though, they are nitrogen charged. If you aren't doing a lot of off road or towing I'd steer you to the ES3000s they are supposed to be a little more supple and they use a cellular system.

Originally posted by 99 xplorer-XLT
hmmmm that is a good deal. i might have to do that too. did you get them 2" longer? and if you did, does it cost more to do so? thanks man

When you order them, they ask you how much lift that you have. I just told them 1.5-2" up front and 2.5" in the rear. The regular length 9000X shocks work fine with a TT and I'm guessing that they'll probably give me a rear shock that is extended (the rear shocks are more universal than the front). If you look at the front shock, it has that rod welded to it to clear the CV joint, but the rear is just a regular twin eye shock so they should have no problem getting me the right length.

And the cost is actually $209.85 to your door regardless of the length. Sorry, for misqouting the price ealier ;)
