Should I buy a 2004 Explorer??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Should I buy a 2004 Explorer???


December 6, 2008
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I have found a nice 2004 Explorer XLT V6 that has all the options I'm looking for and a good price...with about 68k miles. I see these Explorers everywhere where I live but when I searched for information I found tons of complaints about tranny problems etc...

I know you all have them - would you recommend them after having owned one? Would you buy another?

I wont have an additional 2-3k to repalce a transmission in the first year or two of ownership...but this seems like a real possibility based on what I've read here and other places...

Please give me the scoop on these trucks - prices seem good right now for what you get...

Thanks!! :)

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One thing you need to keep in mind, is that a lot of people don't search out the forums UNTIL they have a problem that needs to be fixed. I Have an 03 XLT, and 05 Eddie Bauer and a (98 Sport that I'm selling.) I don't have any regrets about any of them, and no problems yet with the 2 newer ones.

Hope that helps a bit.

Love my Xplorer, have 85,000 mls on it, have had no problems (major) ! Only had to change my alternator and battery ! and of course brakes!


I went through the same process as you. I read every forum, went to all the car and the product opinion sites, even the recall pages that the gov has.

It pains me to say this, and it is just my opinion, but if you just want something that you can get in, turn the key, and drive to about 200k, you need to look at earlier toyotas and nissans.

Pretty much everything in the past 9 years have had their problems (I *think* even subaru).

I agree with the no-need-to-post-on-a-forum-until-crap-happens opinion. I was one, myself.

Ford explorer owners are like Jeep owners, or MG midget owners. You aren't really buying a car, but an experience. You will need to learn things, and be able to eventually take some responsibility in fixing them or have some depth to your pockets.

But, try to seperate a ex/midget/cj owner from their ride - not happening. I love how mine looks, and handles. I just wish it were more dainty on fuel and not so much in the garage queen department. But, buy a pig, expect empty cupboards, I suppose...

I wished I could be a rah-rah person and give you glowing reviews, and had I the power of future vision, I woulda had two old honda civics and spent the rest on a cruise, but I didn't. If I could trade it even for anything, truthfully, I would just ask for store credit on parts. *maybe* a Tahoe. Maybe. I have invested too much in learning this vehicle to start really learning another.

AND for every ex with a limp, I hear about many who just drive it for miles and miles with no hiccup.

Roll the dice, sir :salute:


i have had no problems with my 02 explorer and she has just a tic over 100000 on her
i bought this one as my 92 explorer was getting a bit raged and i wanted something a bit newer for longer trips
i have used it off road and to tow my boats and trailer with out any issues
my only complaint has been that it sits too low and after i get back to work and replace the savings i will spend during layoff i will order a set of rb lift spacers

I have found a nice 2004 Explorer XLT V6 that has all the options I'm looking for and a good price...with about 68k miles. I see these Explorers everywhere where I live but when I searched for information I found tons of complaints about tranny problems etc...

I know you all have them - would you recommend them after having owned one? Would you buy another?

I wont have an additional 2-3k to repalce a transmission in the first year or two of ownership...but this seems like a real possibility based on what I've read here and other places...

Please give me the scoop on these trucks - prices seem good right now for what you get...

Thanks!! :)

:thumbdwn: NO, NO, NO! I wouldn't recommend it. I bought a loaded 2004 Explorer XLT last October with 76,000. Since then, I've replaced the rear differential (big bucks) and tomorrow I will take it in to have the fuel pump replaced (more big bucks). Dishing out big money to fix my vehicle right before Christmas really STINKS!!!!

Also, the idiot (warning) lights on the dashboard come on and off at various times. The low tire pressure stays on and the ABS light comes on now and again for no apparent reason but it never stays on steady.

Sometimes when I put the vehicle in REVERSE it hesitates and then accelerates. When this happens, it usually makes a skidding sound (as if I had my foot on the brake and gas at the same time) and the lunges.

My A/C unit hardly blows any air out in the summer. It works overtime. The air is cold blowing out but it just doesn't put out a lot of air unless I put it on high (which makes a TON of noise). The difference from medium speed to high speed is worlds apart. My hubby has a FORD F150 truck that freezes you out with A/C, as did my son's 2000 Chevy Silverado.

I would seriously think twice (even three times) before investing in this particular year's model! If the deal seems to good to be true, it usually is.

Thanks to everybody who has taken the time to reply so far...all good thoughts...

Madland - why did you have to replace the differential???

Thanks to everybody who has taken the time to reply so far...all good thoughts...

Madland - why did you have to replace the differential???

Madland may have had different issues, but there is a problem with some 3rd Gens chewing up the rear gear sets/bearings. It is a costly fix. You can hit the search button and find a few threads about it.

As was mentioned earlier, roll the dice and take your chances.....but keep in mind used is used. Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Ford or other. If the previous owner didn't maintain it properly or downright abused it, you will be buying their problems.

And no manufacturer is infallible, foreign or domestic. All vehicles have issues, it's the nature of machinery.

I have a ’04 later build from St. Louis other than the trans going out at 50k is been a great truck and I’d buy it again.

The way I look at it even with the rebuilt trans, its still very worth it. If you test drive if the trans doesn’t have any hesitation, shifts firm and are the same it should be good for a year or two if not 100k. I would say I noticed something different at 3-6 months before it went, the shifts weren’t the same, 1-2 felt different than the 2-3 while the 3-4 felt like the 1-2 shift – if that makes sense. Now with the rebuild they all feel the same.

Great points on the used vehicle but another way to look at it, it might have been fixed - hopefully. . .

I have 130k miles on mine and I am going today to see if my transmission is shot. Even if it is though that is not horrible life for a transmission. I bought it with 85k on it and had the tranny serviced not long after. I had it done again a few months ago. The last one was a flush which may have been a bad idea.....

I would absolutely buy another one. My 2004 is my second Explorer actually. 85K and no MAJOR problems so far.

got my 03 mountaineer with 57K on the clock last may. I narrowed it down to the mounty, an 03 Gr Cherokee, and an 03 Trailblazer. In the end me and the wife agreed the 3rd gen mountaineers and explorers drove a lot nicer then the Gr. Cherokee and the TB; we were lucky enough to have close friends that owned an 03 gr. cherokee and 02 TB so we got to do a good solid amount of test driving for the other 2, but the short test drive in the mounty was the best. I Had the dealer fix the rear end issue and had them look at the trans which lead to solenoid packs and servos.

Got 73K on the clock now and the only issues I See in the future is the trans and rear wheel bearings.

I have no regrets buying it as I knew the rear diff, trans, and rear wheel bearings were issues.

Madland; it sounds like you got a lemon or someone beat the ever loving crap out of it before you purchased it.

i have a 04xlt..

i bought mine 2 years ago, with 90 some odd miles on it. it now has close to 120.

the bearings WILL be an issue at some point. the trans is iffy. mines is going fine i guess; although some time when i switch from park to drive the indicater doesnt move.

lucky i'm in school for mechanics. so the trans segment should be interesting.

'02's were the worst of the lot. New model, new systems, and bugs to work through. For every bad Ex that gets beat on by a 1 post person here, I'm sure we can find 25 that have had no issues. It's all relative to the person, the experience, and how they maintain their vehicle. I wouldn't be afraid of one, I loved my 2003 4 door, and I'll buy another Gen III if I don't end up with an Expedition for my next vehicle.
