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Thats a pretty bad ass street machine explorer dude....
You guys look like you have a custom shop type of thing going on?.......

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Check my site.. youll see sum nice pics. Lemme know what you think.

All of my mods and pics or links are in my signature as well.

Originally posted by gordonma
Check my site.. youll see sum nice pics. Lemme know what you think.

absolutely awesome of the best looking 3rd gens out there withou a doubt.


here are parts for my new mods.

da joints.... :D

5.13's and detroit locker.

more to come:)

CTMs?! damn someone has money to burn. :D

Gordonna: I really like the sound system set-up....Looks sweet.....Whats next?

Diff Whack Daddy: I really love what you've done with that machine...very hardcore baby! I was wondering you have a Borla Cats system on a V6? How does it sound, and whats the part #, and how much was it?

-=Daemon=-: Damn nice man.....what size rubbers you donna runn with all that hardware? I know the Detroit locker must have set you back almost 600. but how much are the CTMs?

Anyway I really love the Exs.....We all love to hear about your machines and latest mods so keep'em comming.....

divinesoul777 Where'd u get the grill guard i want one that doedn't cover the head lights but i can't find that kind anywhere.


I got mine used for 100.00, and didn't put the side pieces on........Maybe you can find one in a salvage yard and cut it and half, and trace the side pieces onto some diamond plate steel and by some steel tubing and weld it up yourself..........

Originally posted by divinesoul777

-=Daemon=-: Damn nice man.....what size rubbers you donna runn with all that hardware? I know the Detroit locker must have set you back almost 600. but how much are the CTMs?

$450 for the detroit and $370 for the CTM's from CoryL of CRLCustoms. Now, if I can just find $550 laying around somewhere for chromoly axles.:D

Oh, I'll be running 37's.

Sweet!!! the only mod i'm getting into right now is going to be 31x10.5 MT's on 15x8 rockcrawlers.....

but I have my grill-gaurd and all-weather lights from

someday I hope to have 40's and detroit lockers, and all that cool sh-it....

Oh, I'll be running 37's.

37s?? You are not sticking with the TTB up front are you?

interior mods

just a q: has anyone here seen an ex with bucket seats in the rear? i'd be interested if it were possible to put stock buckets in the back...

Re: interior mods

Originally posted by youngdriver17
just a q: has anyone here seen an ex with bucket seats in the rear? i'd be interested if it were possible to put stock buckets in the back...
yes ive seen it done b4

have u doen a search ??

i know that on Cardomain there is An X that has it i think there name is liek Hawiaan X or somthing like that.... they have like 100+ pics on there Site

i would search on the cardomain


Originally posted by Limited Ex
37s?? You are not sticking with the TTB up front are you?

Nope, those parts are for a D44.

anyone from PA here?

When you guys modify your Ex's do you pull the spair from the rear holder?

I would have to assum so.......

I removed my spare from underneath my truck and put a 31" spare on the roof, im gonna need a bigger spare once i goto 35s. Im from NJ but I will hopefully be moving to Easton PA in a few months if all goes well. :)

Yep. The 33" tire wouldn't fit underneath. It lives up on my roof now.


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Sweet! Maybe we can do some minor off roading or something.....Mostly because i'll only have 31x10.5x15's then......Probibly have to get manual hubs too...I love in Central PA.. Williamsport....heard of it?
anyway gotta go to bed.

