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Shudder around 40mph


Well-Known Member
March 10, 2001
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City, State
Raleigh, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 5.0L AWD XLT
My 97 Explorer occasionally (not all the time, but some of the time) will shudder around 40mph, if I'm accelerating slowly. Is this a sign that I need to replace my transmission fluid? Or could there be something else wrong?


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I'm no expert, but that doesn't sound like tranny to me, unless it's having trouble when shifting.

I'm working on a similar problem.

I just did plugs, a fuel filter and pump/sock about 3 weeks ago, checked the air filter and sprayed off the I'll be attempting a trans fluid change next to see if it cures MY problem.

Yours may be problems started this past weekend towards the end of a long (3 hr one way) trip.

Have you tried disengaging the OD? I read on one thread that it may be related to that, but so far I haven't been able to confirm it one way or the other. The shuddering is so intermittent it's hard to pin point what's going on.

I had done that once, and engages shifting manually from 1-2-D-OD....and it ran OK, but then again, like you mentioned its real intermittant.

I just went to the store and gunned it and it started acting up at 3500....or at a point where it felt like the trans should have that's what is making me think its something there.

I checked the fluid level and its fine. Twice.....

Maybe u-jonts in drive shaft????

Maybe u-jonts in drive shaft????

But would that stop the truck from shifting gears or making it seem like it was out of gas ? I'd imagine it'd be a pronounced vibration either all the time or at a specific RPM that didn't change. But thanks for trying to help :thumbsup:

But would that stop the truck from shifting gears or making it seem like it was out of gas ? I'd imagine it'd be a pronounced vibration either all the time or at a specific RPM that didn't change. But thanks for trying to help :thumbsup:

Oh, well I think I may have a different issue then yours. I don't actually have a problem changing gears, it shudders briefly but goes into gear fine. Mine has also being doing this since I got it, about 20K miles ago, and it hasn't really gotten much worse.

Crawl under the truck and grab onto the driveshaft. If you can move it back and forth the u-joints are bad. Is there a drumming noise along with the vibration, and does it all go away when you let off the gas? - If there is it's U joints

Well i many miles on your tranny? Does it seem to happen in the same gear or thru all the gears?

Crawl under the truck and grab onto the driveshaft. If you can move it back and forth the u-joints are bad. Is there a drumming noise along with the vibration, and does it all go away when you let off the gas? - If there is it's U joints

Nah, neither the shaft going into the transfer case, or the one coming out budge at all. No drumming noise that I can tell, but the shudder does go away if I let off the gas.

Nah, neither the shaft going into the transfer case, or the one coming out budge at all. No drumming noise that I can tell, but the shudder does go away if I let off the gas.

Well, its doing it at 3500rpm's as well, even if the O/D is off.

Now, I had a sorta similar problem on my 94 Grand Am when one of the coil packs was going out. That had 3 (dual terminal for a V6). I priced out coils and its cheaper for me to go with an Accel aftermarket unit. :confused:

I'm gonna do a fluid/filter change first. Anything else I should do when I'm in there ?? I'll put a post up in the trans section if I can't find anything on a search there.

It sounds like torque converter shudder. Replacing the fluid will usually take care of the problem. When experiencing the shudder, just lightly tap on the brake pedal momentarily and see if it goes away. By pressing on the brake it disengages the lock up converter for a few seconds. Very common problem on early Crown Vics. My 94 Vic did it when I purchased it at 100k miles and changing the fluid cured it and I've put another 50k miles on it without any concerns. Be sure and drain pan, replace filter, and drain convertor. You could try an additive to cure convertor shudder but really the fluid is broke down and needs to be replaced if it's been awhile.

It sounds like torque converter shudder. Replacing the fluid will usually take care of the problem. When experiencing the shudder, just lightly tap on the brake pedal momentarily and see if it goes away. By pressing on the brake it disengages the lock up converter for a few seconds. Very common problem on early Crown Vics. My 94 Vic did it when I purchased it at 100k miles and changing the fluid cured it and I've put another 50k miles on it without any concerns. Be sure and drain pan, replace filter, and drain convertor. You could try an additive to cure convertor shudder but really the fluid is broke down and needs to be replaced if it's been awhile.

OK...I gotta ask...maybe there's some way I don't know....but how do you changes the fluid AND filter and still change the fluid in the converter WITHOUT wasting a ton of fluid ??

I have ALL WEEKEND to do this....and what do you all recommend for a drain plug ?

The oil pan on the trans should have a reuseable gasket if nobody has changed it so theoretically you could just drop the pan, clean the pan and put back together. Take the rubber plug out of the bottom of the bellhousing, rotate engine (probably a 15/16th socket to turn front pulley) and turn over engine until you see the drainplug on convertor (use 7/16th socket to remove). Use a little teflon pipe sealer on plug threads before installing to seal up properly. Dump 4 qts of Mercon V (not just plain Mercon) through dipstick hole. Start engine, and continue to dump until you've gotten aprox. 12 qts into trans. Run gearshifter through all gears. Check fluid level. Add as necessary.

I would suggest changing out filter while you have the pan off though. Just be sure and remove the red rubber gasket that gets stuck in the pump carefully so you don't scratch the bore. Lube up rubber on new filter for easy insertion.

The oil pan on the trans should have a reuseable gasket if nobody has changed it so theoretically you could just drop the pan, clean the pan and put back together. Take the rubber plug out of the bottom of the bellhousing, rotate engine (probably a 15/16th socket to turn front pulley) and turn over engine until you see the drainplug on convertor (use 7/16th socket to remove). Use a little teflon pipe sealer on plug threads before installing to seal up properly. Dump 4 qts of Mercon V (not just plain Mercon) through dipstick hole. Start engine, and continue to dump until you've gotten aprox. 12 qts into trans. Run gearshifter through all gears. Check fluid level. Add as necessary.

I would suggest changing out filter while you have the pan off though. Just be sure and remove the red rubber gasket that gets stuck in the pump carefully so you don't scratch the bore. Lube up rubber on new filter for easy insertion.

Excellent. I didn't know these converters had drains on them. That's an added plus in my book. :D :thumbsup: I guess that pretty much makes it dead nuts easy in my book to change it up.

They sell the Mercon V in gallon containers ?

Much appreciation for the tech KLW. You're A-O-K in my book (my book has many

Well....after the other day's drivability issues....I decided to drop the tank.

OH BOY....

Besides it being about almost full, I now have 2 - 5 gallon buckets of what SMELLS like gas, but looks like muddy water. There was so much CRAP that was in the tank, that I was pulling it out by the HANDFULL. That stuff was just getting covered up and sucked up and basically was blocking off the fuel pump from getting fuel.

So, I put a new sock on the pump....and the tank is still off, because I'm going to WASH it out tomorrow. Don't care HOW long it takes, but its getting washed out.

I think it took me less than 30 min to drop the tank this time. No problems with any of the fittings or hardware. Thank goodness.

Anyways....guess I'll be back on the road by the end of the week.....and I'll do the trans stuff after I get the truck running again.

Again folks...I appreciate all the help from everyone....:salute:

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Is your shudder gone?
