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Six Flags Great Adventure!!!!!!

Camping = Mosquito Bites

Bring plenty of bugs spray! Good luck with you all. It sounds like its gonna be a blast! :)

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Humm,....think i shall buy an arobed too for this camping trip,.........

ok, just need to know the date so the wife can get off of work. guess ill have to buy a tent too... either that or hit the Ramada.

umm we all are werkn on the date, still up in the air :roll:

ill come... only if i can bring my wife.

Sure, bring her along! I've got plenty of camping stories from last year (GOLF CART NAZIS!!!) to share with her, you know, since she couldn't make it to any of our trips....

Tara, there's room for at least two sleeping bags in my tent, I don't mind sharing floor space if anyone needs it....Just need to thouroughly disinfect the whole thing with some lemon lysol or somethin..

It's been in storage since last year, ya know :p

We decide on a date for this shindig yet?

Spas said:
Sure, bring her along! I've got plenty of camping stories from last year (GOLF CART NAZIS!!!) to share with her, you know, since she couldn't make it to any of our trips....

Greaaaaat... we could talk about all that over Kats long awaited 'Tuna sacrificial ceramony' we could make smores and sing kumbiya.

lizardtrac said:
we could make smores and sing kumbiya.

can u imagine..."Lizard"..sittin by the fire with his banjo singin kumbiya?! yeah folks this is def the trip NOT to miss....Linds the tent idea sounds great...i jus hope i have no more nightmares of the texas chainsaw guy comin after us since all of our trucks will be in the woods...ewww...what if my dream was a sign?!!yeah linds def bring Mr. Bat and the tow straps.. :p

ExplorerSport77 said:
can u imagine..."Lizard"..sittin by the fire with his banjo singin kumbiya?! yeah folks this is def the trip NOT to miss....

Ummm.. how bout NOOOOOOO!

first off, replace the banjo with a fender and 150watt amp.
second, it would be kumbiya heavy metal reversion... 'kumbiya mother****** ... kumbiya'
third... theres not enough liquor east of the mississippi to get me to do that!

Oh God..... that image is gonna give me more nightmares :banghead: :D

Speaking of: Tara, don't worry, I won't let the Texas chainsaw massacre guy from your dream anywhere near your Explorer :D (wait a sec.... Bobby's from Texas, isn't he??? AAAAAAAAAA! :eek: )

The only campground I know of on the shore near Manahawkin is the one we stayed at last year, called Baker's Acres. I can call them and see about reservations and isht, if you guys want?

Oh, side note... How about the weekend of the 24/25 instead? (i really don't wanna miss that concert or the local farm fair, lol)

(ok, y'all can stop laughing now, i was serious.....)

I'll bring the chainsaw if Tex brings the hockey mask and himself. :D

haha good song lizard...*raises lighter*..riiight....yeah Linds..i say we keep Black Jack and Hotness "away" from anyone who is from Texas...accordin to that movie the whole town was in on it...Tex might be a 2nd or 3rd generation from them....jus keep ur eyes open...haha...j/k :p tex...
and BTW..the 24/25 would be good for me...i say we all plan for that...HA HA Linds is goin to a farm show concert... HA HA..j/k on that too..hehe

Hahahaha, what you guys dont even know.

hey i'm up for it, i'll be waiting for more info, i had at carlisle and this sounds way better.

So have we decided what we want to do and when we want to do it?....ok, that really didn't sound right........ *insert foot in mouth* uhm, yeah.....

Tara and I both have other things we'd like to do on on the weekend of the 17th, so howzabout we go to Six flags on the 24th (saturday)? What do y'all wanna do sunday? Manahawkin is a bit of a haul from 6 Flags and I know we're all strapped for cash this year. Some questions:

1) Do we want to camp? Hotels are mad expensive in that area in the summer..

2) What do we want to do all day? Beaches are free, just my .02

*Tex doesnt think he can do running backflips in the ocean:p

Uhm... the Atlantic. Or so it was last time I checked? :confused: I meant that it's free to go to a beach and play around in the Ocean all day, lol. Any one have a better idea than all of our trucks lounging around in a beach parking lot all day?

(tex, I bet I could help you do a running flip into the ocean.... sit on jack's hood and I'll floor it then stop :D )

yeah i don't remember ever paying a fee to go to a beach...i believe there all free. I'm up for camping, hotels are gona charge us out the a$$

an tex doing back flips into the ocean is most defiantly u!!!

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I'm up for it, I'll see if my sis is too. She's in that area. Might be able to kill two birds with one stone, brother/sister bonding time, and fun with the EF guys. All depends if I switch jobs or not too.
