SkyJacker 2" Front Coils for 92 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SkyJacker 2" Front Coils for 92 Explorer


New Member
March 13, 2004
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Phoenix, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
I recently had a pair of SkyJacker 2" lift coil springs installed on the front of my 1992 Explorer. It was ready with a set of Rancho shocks and new bushings so I don't have some of the usual problems associated with installing new lift coils up front. What I'm seeing is excessive positive camber and It looks as though I have more like 3" of lift instead of 2".

I was told that it would take a few weeks for the springs to settle in a bit before an alignment, or I could choose to have an alignment done now, and then again after the springs settle in.

Has anyone else out there installed these coil springs? Any words of advice?


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I drove mine for about a week before the alignment and I think its needs redone (not sure). You could wait awhile before you have it done but make sure you pay close attention to your tires, you dont want to ruin them. If worse comes to worse you will just have to get it aligned twice.

Redrig, Thanks for the information. Did you notice that your 94 had a little more lift on the passenger side because of the shorter suspension arm on that side? Was the alignment able to get the camber back into spec? Also, can you tell me more about the BBK throttle body. Currently I'm running a Superchip, K&N filter and a Granatelli MAF. I was reading somehwere that the throttle body does not provide the performance gains that the other components do. How has it performed in your rig?

Your input is greatly appreciated!

Actually my passenger side rubs more than my drivers side. I didnt notice any difference visually. The shop said they almost got the camber back into specs but once the springs settled it would be fine.

I think what you heard about the throttle body not showing as much gains as the other stuff was meant if you installed each one seperately. It will give you nice gains if you have the MAF, KKM, chip and exhaust to go with it. Since you have the rest I would go ahead and get one. I got mine at for about $200.

I'm thinking about putting on a 2" lift on my rig, about how much does the whole kit and kaboodle run?? I would love to have 2 more inches but I'm kinda worried about the cost and nasty after affects regarding alignment.

I got my 2" kit for $180, the alignment will vary depending on where you take it. It will probably cost $ 120 to $ 180.

120 - 180 $ for an alignment?

where you getting it done at??

aroudn here i can get one done for 55$, probaly cheaper with my discount

XplorerKid said:
120 - 180 $ for an alignment?

where you getting it done at??

aroudn here i can get one done for 55$, probaly cheaper with my discount

Ok, I thought for sure mine was in that price range somewhere, maybe I needed a part or something or I just got screwed.... :) Anyway It should be cheaper for RedEB than.

Thanks for the info, my local 4X4 shop told me that the lift would cost about 800-1000 by the time it was all done...and that was also the skyjacker. Are these guys outrageous or is that fair? I'm really considering those F150 coil spacers for more clearance...
Thanks guys!

Is that for a 2" skyjacker , which is just AAL and front springs? If so thats outright rediculous!!

Yeah, that's the one. They said that the front springs and AAL were about $600 collectively and that labor would be in the ball park of 300-400!! I thought that was crazy! So these guys are just outrageous?

Go here

I paid $186 for it. I dont know the labor prices at the shop you went to but that seems a bit high also to install it. You should try installing it yourself its really not that hard and you have all the help you need right here on the site.


Thanks for all the good info!


Desert Rat 4X4 here in Phoenix did the front on my rig for $280 including the coil springs (which I believe were about $135 for the pair). They also ordered a Rancho 2" leaf spring kit for the rear which ran me $225 installed, so all together the 2" lift ran me a little over $500 installed.

I still need the alignment...not sure yet what thats going to cost, but I'll let you know.

Redrig, I'm thinking maybe your alignment was expensive because they had to bend the I-beam to get it back into spec? I hear that bending the beam is necessary sometimes to get the alignment back into spec. Just a thought.

Thanks again for the great feedback.

Thank you both for the information!
RedRig, I think a 2" lift would definitely help for wheelin'. I'm thinking you're right on the installation issue, doing it alone will definitely be the less expensive route. Just thinking about it, the labor really shouldn't be that much on a 2" lift...
Large, $500 for the whole kit and kaboodle isn't bad!! How does she look and, more importantly, how does it drive? I would think that a 2" lift would be good enough for most 4 wheeling needs...or maybe I'm just too nice on my car ;)

your Definately To Nice On your Car!!!!, 2" is good to start off with, but than you will want bigger, and Bigger, till you fianlly get a SAS, But yea the 2' Will help, i tihnk i also read, these 2"s help the flex better....

Maybe soon i cna install mine, just dont have the $$$ right now, already have trhe coils thoguh, but i might sell them, and jsut save up for a bigger kit....

I heard those 2" lift kits aren't worth it at I'll buy yours from you! :) j/k
Maybe I do baby it a bit much, once when I went mudding (now that was messy!), I actually felt guilty for getting my paint completely covered. I need to work on this... :nono:
I had actually heard that the 2" improves flex as well. SAS would be great with SOA, talk about a beast!

I think it looks really good. Its not over-stated...perfect for moderate off-road edventures.

It doesn't hit the bump stops up front anymore. As far as the drive, its still as smooth as before on the highway and much easier to maneuver off-road. I don't usually engage the difficult or extreme trails, so the two inches did very well on some moderate trails I did last weekend. I don't have the tire size for the more difficult trails right now. I'm waiting to wear out a set of LT23575R15s. From there I only plan to go as big as 31X10.5s....I don't want to deal with the gearing issues that a bigger tire brings. I'm sure there are easier ways to get the same 2", but overall, I'm happy with the lift..especially since the price was right. I'm sure you can put something really good together with a little homework.

Large- It sounds like you and I have the same plans! I plan on doing this 2" lift and upgrading to 31s also, 32s just sound like they are too much trouble (by that, I mean costly ;) ) and the whole gearing issue is definitely not enticing...
I would love to see some pics of your truck!
