Sliding door latch on a 1995 Aerostar. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sliding door latch on a 1995 Aerostar.


Active Member
September 1, 2010
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S.W. Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Aerostar XLT E4WD
After reading all of the posts about the defective sliding door latch on the 95 and spending about two hours adjusting, centering and adjusting the latch and rollers, It seems that the problem is not really the latch, but the center roller, the one that rides the track on the side of the van. I have found that the center roller bracket sags and causes the latch to hit the striker and bend the latch so that the spiring comes loose.

What I did was open the door slightly, gently raise the door with a jack until the body lines matched and the roller was not touching the track, loosened the three bolts that hold the roller just enough to move it, then lower the roller until it just touched the track. I did this from outside the van through the open window so my weight did not change the height of the door. Try not to move the roller in any direction other up and down, it doesn't move much, but it should move enough to solve the problem. I don't have to lift up and slam the sliding door anymore. problem solved.

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Are you referring to the three lower bolts (# 9) or the middle bolts (# 7) for the adjustment? This diagram was taken from my Ford software:


Number 6 in the diagram. That is the center roller that seems to sag and cause the latch to get messed up. How did you get that Ford software?

Yes I loosened the bolts that hold the hinge which, has one vertical and two horizontal rollers on it. I could not see all of the numbers becase an ad got in the way. That hinge holds the rear of the sliding door up when it is open. The door is on a three point mount, two on the front,top and bottom and the one on the rear center of the door. the three holes are slotted for front and rear movement but there is enough wiggle room to move it up and down enough to raise or lower the rear of the door about one half inch. The two front hinges are slotted for in and out movement of the door. It can be frustrating to adjust, but just take your time and you will be fine.

I was looking for the three adjusting bolts (# 7) on my 89 & 95 vans, and I couldn't find them. Then I remembered that my 88 van doesn't have a panel over the inside of the sliding door because it's a cargo van. I wasn't able to find the bolts on that one either. They might be hidden somewhere under the door skin. :dunno:

If you tried to find the bolts with the door open, you can not see them. the door must be closed and you can see the bolts from inside. there is a round hole and a slotted hole towards the rear of the door, they are not hidden,ford provided access for them through the holes I just mentioned.

The door was open on all three vans when I was looking for the bolts. Are these holes under the door panel? Could you take a picture of them? In the above diagram, it appears that the bolts could be visible through the large rectangle hole in the center of the sliding door.

For anyone that is reading about this, I forgot to mention that you must remove the door panel and window trim. and then you will see two black oval shaped rubber plugs toward the rear center of the door. the door must be fully closed, once the door panel, window trim and rubber plugs are removed the bolts are visiable through the access holes. either I am not explaining this right or some people need a visual aid. I will try to get some pics and post them.

hinge bolt access holes

One picture shows the rubber caps over the access holes, the other picture shows the bolts after the caps are removed.


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    hinge bolt access.jpg
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  • hinge bolt access 2.jpg
    hinge bolt access 2.jpg
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OK since I don't have a digital camera, and I am stuck using my phone to take the pics, I will post one more in a day or so.

inside of sliding door.

Ok here is the inside of the sliding door. Sorry, the picture came out sideways. the top of the picture is actually the rear of the door.


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    inside of sliding door.jpg
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