Slight vibration, clicking noise in suspension, and odd vibtation on left turn... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Slight vibration, clicking noise in suspension, and odd vibtation on left turn...


Been there done that
January 26, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Fishers, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'16 Sport, 08, other ford
I have a 2003 Explorer XLT 4x4 w/ 100k on the odometer.

Well I posted a thread about a popping/clicking noise that I heard when turning the wheel SLOWLY sometimes..It wasn't too loud, and not all the time.

Well now here is my update and why I think it may be something else:
Ok, now an update... Did some decent driving today and it went from riding pretty decently (for 24's) to now when I turn the wheel going slow, I feel a slight vibration when I turn left, and nothing when I turn right. (when going slow)

When I'm driving, I hear almost what sounds like an air plane in the distance noise (but that could be my tires, they're BRAND new and they're low pros anyway). When I brake, it makes LIGHT squeaking noises, and now it vibrates left right left right a LITTLE when going 40, when it didn't before.

It isn't the wheels, they are not bent, been down the road 100x with that, hit no potholes whatsoever, it worked fine earlier.

Tie rod? Hub bearing? Explorer's are just loud (these may be things im noticing more out of paranoia) but now it seems the steering is a little different than it was, I can't explain it.

Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.

And now a little background, I had a problem with my wheels where they had serious vibration issues (and this was my only source of transportation at the time) and I had to make several emergency 4 hour round trips back and forth from home (about 5) on these vibrating wheels, and with work and school I had no time to mess with fixing them. it's all fixed, and all was well for about 2 weeks now...

Now this..

What would the vibrating have damaged if anything, or is this not related? The vibrating went away in about 9mph intervals (not away, but got to be manageable).

Thanks in advance guys!

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bump bump bump

Turns out I'm a moron, I got a flat tire... These low pro's are tricky didn't see it last night but when I filled it up, everything is fixed except for the clicking on the front right wheel well.

My old explorer made popping and clicking noises constantly, so it may not be a big deal.

Now the question is how did the air get out? No evidence of a screw or nail, and I didn't see any bends in my wheel. Im confused.

It's held air for an hour and a half now, so we'll see.

Take the tire off, get a spray bottle with some soap and water, air the tire up and spray it on the tire. I would also spray the valve stem as well. Just give it a good dose of spray and give it a sec to check for bubbles.

as for the clicking , a few things to look at,, first off , look at the cv joint on that side, if it does that while turning , it could be a bit done in,, they usually are okay while going straight, it's just on turns ,

than after that look at the wheel bearings,, put it up off the ground and grab the front wheel and rock it, see if it moves , might be better to have somebody do it and look at the bearing, ,
after that look at the brake caliper,, and the dust shield,, see if they could be rubbing on anything,, or the caliper not letting the pads come back,

thanks guys for the help!
