Slight womp, womp sound | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Slight womp, womp sound


New Member
November 27, 2002
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City, State
Billings, MT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Eddie Bauer
I have a 93 4x4 and when I make a turn, either left or right I hear a slight womp, womp, womp sound. It doesn't seem to be serious, no vibration, jerks, or any thing else. I have noticed this when in 2wd and haven't really listened for it in 4x4. Is this normal for these explorers? Or is there something I should check?


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check the power steering fluid

I checked and it is full of power stearing fluid. It is more of a sound that happens as the vehicle moves forward and the wheels are turned, and they don't have to be turned a lot. It doesn't make the noise I just sit still and turn the steering wheel. It sounds more like it is coming from the front axle area.


have you checked your tires?

TIre rub?look in your fenders.. see if your rubbing anywhere.. my stock 2001 with stock size tires rub.. while at full lock

Check the outside edge of front tires for "feathering". Mine did this because I didn't rotate for about 10k miles. I could hear and feel a slight vibration when turning. Swapped those tires to the rear and it went away.

Well the front tires were a little worn and so I rotated them. Still the slight womp, womp, sound. And there isn't any sighn of rubbing. Maybee it is just the kind of tires that are on it. They are Michelins XC LT4 tires. Well if it doesn't get worse, I will just live with it. Thanks for all the input.


Offroad/all terrain tires often make a slight noise. Have you ever heard a truck with Swampers drive past you? All that noise is the tires. Like you said, could just be the tires.

Hey, I just noticed the same thing today, sounds like rubing. but I can't see any signs:( I guess I need to go under the truck tonight to figure out what is going on, but I'm also seeing that my hubs are not unlocking, when I make a hard turn, the truck bucks, like it's in 4x4. WTF???
