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slow vehicle


Well-Known Member
July 31, 2007
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97 xlt
:p: not a problem with the ex but done it on purpose,although i have been driving for the past few days with out going over 2ooo rpm,thats easier said than done i can assure you lol,at some points the ex will drive at about 1200 and drop even further if on the flat:confused:,
been rather hard work, but just thought i would see if i could drive it like that, and suprised to find that even driving like this i got every where i wanted to without taking any longer than i do when driving it normally,the main problem i have found is that driving within speed limits-or under them,almost every one wants to swear at you and scream past,what stressed lives we lead without even realising it,not promising i could drive like it fore-ever but it has been nice going slower and seeing stuff i normally miss and even hearing birds ect through the open window.

will be interesting to see if this driving has done anything for the econamy on the gas,as i am over the 200 mile mark now and due to refill,usually 230-240 and the gas runs out.

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well after driving like an old tart for the last few days to see if the theory does work, ie low revs and low speed,really gentle acceleration and braking=better fuel econamy well the result is in.

normal driving racing other cars and 70 -90mph and fast country lane driving with full on braking ect= 60ltrs gas -240 miles

driving without going over 2000 rpm gentle everything and no going over 56

=60ltrs gas 242 miles

conclusion DRIVE IT LIKE YOU STOLE IT because for the effort of driving like that was hard work -aggrevated other drivers,and put me in harms way of hgv's that didnt see the funny side of me doing 55.
this was a very amatuer test whilst using lpg,results may differ using petrol, but with the cost of that i doubt i will ever try using it lol.

only 240 on a tank i get about 400-450 and keep the rpm under 2k. I can do 55-60 and it will be about 1,800 on the tack. I do have a 99 OHV sport tho. I would think u are right with urs the way it's set up it don't matter to much is u got it a 2k or 2.5k

YOu are lucky Jays1 to get 240 driving like that, I get that with normal driving!
Best I ever got from this Ex is 330 all motorway mostly in cruise control at 65 mph. taking my daughter from Reigate to uni in Preston and back.
BUt I hate driving like that, much prefer the race it and see approach!

well it definatly made no differance,but this was on lpg without using any petrol, but as stated i have tried driving really really carefully and i have driving like normal and both styles while using lpg return 240 miles.
this means that while running lpg on the truck i am getting about 20 to the gallon this being country lane and duel carriage driveing, on a run i get exactly the same (on lpg) nothing seems to change how far a tank of gas will go.

Its a matter of weight I believe and the fact that its like the side of a barn for wind resistance!
I play the drums in a few bands and used to carry all the stands on the cases all the time just to save me lifting them in and I take them out as they are very heavy!
I have not gone as far as to empty the ash tray yet-still thinking on that one!

lol i think you are right,i havent started to give it a diet yet but if fuel goes up, i will be thinking perspex windows and plastic bonnet,although that will only counter act the weight of the gas tank where the spare used to live.
not really sure what else could be changed to make her lighter yet,maybe its an idea though,she may even go faster lol.
