Small round stick on mirrors for side mirrors? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Small round stick on mirrors for side mirrors?


Explorer Addict
February 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 V8 Ranger 4x4
Anyone use the stick on convex mirrors on their side mirrors? Are they worth getting on an X?

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I like 'em.
I sometimes go on long trips with friends and the back is usually packed, so those things come in pretty handy. They are small though, so you may have trouble seeing things in the mirror. But, I use mine all the time with no problems.


yeah i have them. got a pair of round ones from walmart for like 3 bucks. definately worth it.

They're awesome, my rear is tinted with black vinyl so I cant see out. They are a necessary thing for me, and I love em. Try em, you'll like em

Well I guess there had to be one. I hate them! My wife has them on her Explorer, but my other two Explorers don't have them. I've been driving hers for a few weeks while mine are getting fixed and the little mirrors keep annoying me.

You own 3 Explorers?:D

That's great!

..and I'm all proud of my ONE Stock (except 31") "new" 1996 Black Explorer.:rolleyes:

I've had it for about 3 weeks now and I love it. I can see why you'd buy 3!:)

Actually it's not completely stock, I did add a K&N and a Raspberry Air freshner!

I HAD one on my drivers side mirror. I hated the look of it so I took it off. It's for sale for 1 cent but you have to pay for postage. ;)

I have em on my F-150 and love em. Screw looks, I'm talkin functionality. You don't have to adjust your mirrors to back into a parking spot, you can check your blind spot, etc.

I have one on my passenger side- use it all the time and I can parallel park without looking over my shoulder. I train my employees how to use those little wonders when backing up our vans and to check them before changing lanes.

I cant drive WITHOUT them!!!! they are the best thing ever and I dont know why they dont come on cars stock. I have them on my X, both my mustangs, the dually pick-up.... I even had them on my corvette.

I cant see how anyone can drive without them. You look in the mirror with them and you see everything. No need ever to turn your head to look out the side windows to see if someone just pulled in that lane before you got the chance to or anything. I only use them..... i dont even use the regular side mirrors at all. I drive a car that doesnt have them and it pisses me off. I made my girlfriend put them on her car cause i refused to drive it- LOL
