Smelling Oil Really Bad !!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Smelling Oil Really Bad !!!!


November 22, 2004
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Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
Just when I back up in a parking space I am smelling oil burning big time , smokes like the truck is gonna catch on fire ......what can it be ????? I have been under it and its seeping oil from several places but its just started doing this in the last week .....anybody had this problem before ???

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seeping oil from a lot of places is a bad thing.... you need to address that....

if it smells like its about to catch on fire, what you are most likely experiencing is one of those leaks leaaking onto part of the exhuast and burning the oil off...

it doesnt seem like its leaking that bad though , I can park it and come back out and it only has 2-3 drops under it , after it sits at work for 10 hours a day ........

I had a prblem like this and it was a broken dipstick tube sparying oil right on to my header. It would pour smoke and it really didn't look like much leaked.

I will look at the dipstick but I check the oil all the time since it does leak some and havent noticed it being broke , but I will make 100 percent sure tonight

It is very common for 1st generation Explorers to develop leaky valve cover gaskets. I had them replaced on my 92 twice. Oil leaks out and drips onto the exhaust manifolds. Only a few drops is enough to cause a big stink.
A few more drips and you will see wisps of smoke coming from under the hood (scary).

Other possible leak sites like main bearing seal, pressure sensor or level sensor are pretty far from the exhaust system.

Check the oil filter, though. Make sure it is tight, but not too tight, and undamaged. Make sure there aren't 2 gaskets on the filter. In rare cases, an oil filter gasket can get stuck on the filter mounting flange and putting on a new filter without checking can result in 2 gaskets, a recipe for lots of leaking.

