So I just bought a 96 Eddie Bauer 4.0 4x4 for $350 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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So I just bought a 96 Eddie Bauer 4.0 4x4 for $350


Active Member
October 17, 2020
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City, State
Sky valley, ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 ford explorer xlt v8
Guy said it was the transmission. Seems to work fine but engine stalls at idle. Has 163k miles. Its a tad worn. Can I use the 4x4 and put it on my 97 5.0 2wd?



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No, you can't. Your 97 transmission has a 2WD bellhousing, so you would need to replace the transmission with a 4WD transmission in order to bolt on the transfer case. Your V8 has a different (better) transmission than the 96 you just purchased, so you can't swap them.

IIRC the transfer case can work with the V8, and so will the front axle -- but only if the axle ratios are the same. Check the axle codes on the door jamb.

It would not be a trivial job to swap it all over even if you had a 4WD version of the V8 transmission.

Are you going to fix it up? How is the interior? Looks like it could be a pretty good purchase!

For $350, it might be worth it to give it a tune-up, check vacuum lines, fuel pressure... Try to get it running. Trying to swap over from one type to another would be a big pain.

For $350, it might be worth it to give it a tune-up, check vacuum lines, fuel pressure... Try to get it running. Trying to swap over from one type to another would be a big pain.
I am starting to just that. Love the 4x4.
Gotta go, I will post more picstures in case anybody is interested in seeing the onterior.

Those 4.0 ohv's last forever if not overheated severly, second vehicle with one currently, approached other 2nd gen owner yesterday and he had 374,000 on his...but it was on it's last leg.
Is the CIL on?

Those 4.0 ohv's last forever if not overheated severly, second vehicle with one currently, approached other 2nd gen owner yesterday and he had 374,000 on his...but it was on it's last leg.
Is the CIL on?
Wow that is alot of miles. Yes the MIL light comes on after driving for a bit. Mechanically the engine sounds ok, but the transmission is going out (od flashing) of gear but for the most part it is drivable. The Motor stalls if I am not pressing on the gas and holding the brake padle at idle not when driving (giving it gas). All vacuum lines sound and look correct. The tps is worn and is ford brand original, The maf looks brand new and is ford, air filter clean, oil dark but not burnt, transmission fluid is a little dirty. Went and bought a obd2 scanner at walmart and then remembered it was a 1995 and well got no reading :( it did power up and fit OBD though (what gives?). Has 169k Miles.

Wow that is alot of miles. Yes the MIL light comes on after driving for a bit. Mechanically the engine sounds ok, but the transmission is going out (od flashing) of gear but for the most part it is drivable. The Motor stalls if I am not pressing on the gas and holding the brake padle at idle not when driving (giving it gas). All vacuum lines sound and look correct. The tps is worn and is ford brand original, The maf looks brand new and is ford, air filter clean, oil dark but not burnt, transmission fluid is a little dirty. Went and bought a obd2 scanner at walmart and then remembered it was a 1995 and well got no reading :( it did power up and fit OBD though (what gives?). Has 169k Miles.
Your title states it's a 96...but it's actually a '95 (like mine) ? At any rate you will need this scanner then if truly OBDI:
Hooks up under hood on drivers side.... it comes with easy to read instruction book with explanation of all codes.
If you have the dreaded 214 code - failing cam sychronizer code (headache replacement) then we'll talk about that later. Stalling is one of it's symptoms....but of course it could be some other issue so think happy thoughts still.
On your transmission you might want to check with this guy.....not too too far from you:

That is a very good truck. 95-96 are some of the best years, even with a v6.
If you can address the transmission for cheap it could last a long time. The stalling engine could be simple IAC cleaning or gaskets.
As for a scanner, if it is 95, there is an vintage scanner called MT-2500, snapon "red brick" that can read data on that truck. Probably can find on ebay cheap.
Being a CA desert truck, it probably looks showroom new on the bottom. The only issues with these trucks are rust related. I would love a pic of the shackles!

gotta go


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Delete/ edit the "triples" of pics from your last post.... I'm dizzy now :)
It's an off roader...who cares about interior.... get seat covers and you can get new center console faux leather replacement cover for $11 on Ebay...will look new again. > Vinyl Skin Console Armrest Cover for 95-01 Ford Explorer Beige | eBay

AND YOU HAVE A MOON ROOF! SCORE......that thing has potential written all over it....

Needs some TLC. Probably could get interior stuff cheap in a pick and pull. You don't know how fortunate you are not to have to deal with rust and rot. Nothing some diluted super clean and detailer can't take care of in there!

Delete the "triples" of pics from your last post.... I'm dizzy now :)
It's an off roader...who cares about interior.... get seat covers and you can get new center console faux leather replacement cover for $11 on Ebay...will look new again. > Vinyl Skin Console Armrest Cover for 95-01 Ford Explorer Beige | eBay

AND YOU HAVE A MOON ROOF! SCORE......that thing has potential written all over it....
Yeah, I got something that fit, stapled it in you wouldn't know it was every replaced. I've never seen seats so bad though. That is probably from the dry desert heat. You have to condition leather there. May be a case for cheap seat covers.

Delete the "triples" of pics from your last post.... I'm dizzy now :)
It's an off roader...who cares about interior.... get seat covers and you can get new center console faux leather replacement cover for $11 on Ebay...will look new again. > Vinyl Skin Console Armrest Cover for 95-01 Ford Explorer Beige | eBay

AND YOU HAVE A MOON ROOF! SCORE......that thing has potential written all over it....
ALSO, ALL the 95 and 96 4WD's came with Limited Slip rear you have that sought after setup as well....critical for decent off roading experiences shy of lockers.

ALSO, ALL the 95 and 96 4WD's came with Limited Slip rear you have that sought after setup as well....critical for decent off roading experiences shy of lockers.
Mine didn't :). I installed one though. He can check his door sticker under "AX." Truck needs new rubber too.

Yeah interior is a bit rough, but really only needs a couple good used front seats, a headliner, a good cleaning, and few other small bits and pieces. Looks all original underneath in a good way. Not sure about the transmission light, I am not an expert especially on automatics.

Yeah, I got something that fit, stapled it in you wouldn't know it was every replaced. I've never seen seats so bad though. That is probably from the dry desert heat. You have to condition leather there. May be a case for cheap seat covers.
thank x 3! for that ebay link!

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You could do a manual swap. I think the stick can go where the storage compartment is. It was an option for those trucks.
No, I am just dreaming. I am going to just make it dependable. I am talking about the 97 5.0 2wd, the 95 I am going to part out.

