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So what exactly is a prerunner?

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yeh in a couple years probably. gonna do a 4wd long travel kit. :) im over getting stuck

i mean its already got a decent front end with the uniballs. pulls 12 inches up front, same as a toyota LT kit. :) but i wanna pull like three feet when im done. :)

front fenders will run you about 300$ plus shipping. I know a guy that gets a decent price on these so maybe a little less.

alright, cool

u should check out clarkkent's monster mercury mountaineer. its a sick knar knar prerunner.

where might i find some pics?

looks badass. i like the front end!


if u dont break it, you obviously dont drive hard enough. :)

i tell that to chevys. :)

There's a whole family of them nearby, but you can't just go taking pics... And we have some type of pro team(s) here - Toytaz and Rangers- well done vehicles!! But what do you do with a prerunner in TN? It's not too common to see one, no?

not too common at all. we have the typical muddin crew, a few rock crawlers, and the road queens.:rolleyes::eek:

I just want to build a truck i can run through the fields with, run some trails, maybe some day i will be lucky enough to see some dunes.:D

2wd, 4x4, buggy, hell motorcycle, a pre runner is a vehicle built to pre run the race course.

as close to a 4x4 prerunner style you are going to get on a 1st gen would be either how R.J., KopyKat(with a bronco II), 410 fortune or myself are setup. We have built our trucks to go fast with 4x4, don't use any skyjacker/rancho/superlift/trailmaster drop down kits, but instead have reworked beams for extensive travel.

My setup pulls 16", I know R.J. probably pulls a little more with his coilovers and I haven't ever seen KopyKat or 410 in action to judge. R.J. and I can keep up on most trails with the rock crawler trucks (I have chosen not to lock my front end due to past breakage) and we can also roll 60 mph in washes with a lot of changing terrain.

In defense to the Rockcrawlers, I've seen DB1 and Froader as well as several others haul ass with SFA rigs and outcrawl my capabilities.


Both of those are very nice trucks!

I feel stupid for asking, but what do you mean by reworked beams?

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by "re-worked" he means they have been cut and turned to correct the camber angle for the lift he got. to give the stock beams negative camber (or positve?...the top of the tire more towards the truck haha).

otherwise you would hve to use dropdown brackets to correct for the lift.

those last pics are amazing, coilovers and bypass up front must be an amazing ride. the rear shocks having so much angle must make you bottom real hard i would think, too linear... but i bet through washboard and small bumps its smoooooof like buttah haha
