some new pics.. (56k should be ok) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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some new pics.. (56k should be ok)

Just curious that is all..

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maybe it was that he brought more of the photo into the picture???

thats one bad ass grille and rims. Looks really clean man. How big are those rims?

thanks.. 20x10

Easier to see when they are right by each other




I used photoshop to adjust levels first (which brings the lowest recorded shade of grey to black and adjusts everything accordingly) to add depth that he lost in exposure (although not much). A bit of curves (pull down the lower end, bump the higher for some added contrast). Increased the saturation (makes the wall behind the truck look more... colorful... punchy?) and then applied a little unsharp mask (makes the image appear sharper)

sweet ass x u got there oxygen


well it looks like there is someone doing sumthing next to your truck. your truck is tooooo clean. i can barely make out shapes when i look at reflections on my truck. if i took the other route and had a sport truck, i'd want something like what you have. real nice lookin truck you got there.

That is a GREAT LOOKIN XLS, you did a really good job on it.


Very F'ing nice! Get the rice out of the pics!

thanks guys.. what you think is rice? the cavi?

Oxygen said:
thanks guys.. what you think is rice? the cavi?
Cavi and Jetta (?).

naw, it's a corrado.. actually the kid with the cavi is anti-rice, the paintjob on the car is awesome, it's supercharged, e-management, 5zigen wheels and some other JDM stuff that he got from a toyota cavalier, car looks 100 times better in person... and the corrado is nice too, CF hood, chipped, full exhaust, very quick car.. i dunno, not many people around here think it's rice... just my 2 cents

Oxygen I just want to let you know how jealous I am of your ride man. The grill, headlights, cleancorners and rims make it look SO clean. You did not over do it at all. I have a black explorer sport and I want that grill of yours so bad but its so expensive. Is it lowered by any chance?

thanks, i appreciate the comments.. ya i was kinda iffy about getting the speed grilles at first, but i really liked how they looked on explorers.. i'm not really a big fan of billet grilles, there are some trucks that look good with them, but i think they are getting played out IMO.... i lowered the back with 2" lowering blocks and did the torsion twist up front to get 2" out of the front drop....

nice nice, did you have to use the camber adjusters?

I had a billet grill on my old green explorer but when I crashed it and got my new one I want a speed grill because they look so badass on black expos.

What kind of shocks are you using for the drop? Hows it ride?

i'd recommend the camber adjusters..

stock shocks.. it rides pretty good...

Very nice ex O2. You did a nice job.


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Nice truck. Love the wheels! What type are they?
