something screeching.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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something screeching....


Well-Known Member
June 26, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Pekin, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 E.B. AWD
ok, i just got back home after a two week vacation. i have been having this screeching/squelling under the hood for awhile now. i have the 96 5.0.

in the morning when i start it, it sounds like a stuck pig!! after about 15-20 minutes it goes away. it also seems like on warmer days it dont do it as much.

heres what i have changed in hopes of correcting this problem.... belt tensioner, idler pulley, altenator, belt is about 1 year old, and when i sprayed it with belt lube it kept makin the noise. i didnt want to spray it, but i wanted to see if it was the belt.

So, could this be the water pump?? I did a visul check around the pump and i dont see any leaks, and I'm not losing any coolant. i changed the thermostat again just to be safe. i changed the temp sending unit a couple months ago, the gage stays in the normal range.

any help would be great, its so annoying that if i cant figure it out, its getting a for sale sign put in

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Take the belt off and run the engine for a very short time before it warms up (just a few seconds). If the noise is not there, it is not related to the belt system and you can narrow it down a little. More than likely, the belt is still to blame. I have had belts go bad within 1 year plenty of times. Buy a new belt, put it on. If the noise is still there, take the belt back. Of course don't use the belt for any length of time. Just enough to tell if it's the problem or not. Belt is the cheapest thing to try. Autozone has taken a belt back from me plenty of times.

When you have the belt off, do you feel any unusual drag in either the AC or PS pulley(since you haven't replaced them yet)? You can get a belt to bypass the AC pulley to see if that's your problem. Hope you saved the old alternator..

i dont feel anything unusual in the ac or power steering pump... im going to buy another belt tommorrow to see if thats it. i drove it last night and it actually didnt make the noise. thats whats confusing to me, it dont do it all the time

OK, take the belt off and see if noise remains . Start vehicle just long enough to listen.
Leave the belt off and wait awhile if noise isn't present, and restart.
Since noise is intermittent, do this several times to verify the noise isn't the CAMSHAFT POSITION SENSOR.
If noise remains, with belt off, it is the cmp, and for that, you'll have to get out the wallet. The whole shaft will need replaced, and aligned with a special tool.

my mounty makes that sound. Its only for a bit though in the morning. No performance change when it started and my belts are old. i would like to know more about this topic and see where it goes.

[QUOTE='97 V8]my mounty makes that sound. Its only for a bit though in the morning. No performance change when it started and my belts are old. i would like to know more about this topic and see where it goes.[/QUOTE]
You might want to take yours off, and give it a good cleaning with dawn dish and warm water. Use a scrub brush. Check for cracks on the ribs.
While it does take a lot to break the serpentine belt, if it is squealing, it is slipping and getting hot. This can cuase it to fail. If it does, you will looose all drives(water pump, powr steer, ac, alt). This will also leave you stranded.
If you get a new belt, stash the old one in the jack compartment, along with a 16mm wrench, and your set for that one.
Don't just wait for it to happen friend.

If all that stuff checks out, it could be the camshaft position sensor, which is at the front of the engine.

When i get home ill do that. Im taking my mounty to the dealer for them to check everything and i mean everything. Im driving from ohio to vancouver in Canadia. So i want to make sure nothin will go bust. Thanks jtsmith.
