Soundguys Official New Sport Thread | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Soundguys Official New Sport Thread

Ok Ok, Im sorry I know everyone knows I got a new car already, but I just realized that since Im going to be doing stuff to it, Id rather have one thread that is updated than making anew thread for each new toy I get ... :)

So to Recap - If you didnt know, I got a 2003 Black Explorer Sport XLS, automatic... Stock... Power Windows/Locks, CD player, 16" alloy rims, working A/C... yeah thats the important stuff...



Since I got it in the begining of May 2003, I have since added:

Neon Interior Lights - 3 bars. One under the center dash, and one on each side of the rear seating area.


Sub/Amp - One 12 Inch Pioneer Sub and a Lightning Audio Amp. Sounds nice, not too loud, which is good bc I wasnt looking to blow anyone away, just to add a nice low end to my stock set up.


Future Mods

Looking to add a Westin Stainless Steel Safari Gaurd and some driving lights, and also some Stainless Running Bars/Nerf Bars. Anyone have any advice on a good looking/good quality set?

Also want to add a new Head Unit. Possibly a In Dash Screen, but not sure. I hate to remove the stock set up bc I like the way it fits just right. Adding an aftermarket kit always looks funny in that oversized hole.

As far as which direction the Torsion Bar will twist is still debatable. I know lowering would look nice, and I give mad props to MAtt and the others who have done such, but a taller Sport is sooooo rare, and I really want to do somethin that looks different around here. Anyone with experience lifting this vehicle, I am always open for advice.

Well... I think that covers most of it for now. More pics to come. Thanks.

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Well guys, sad to say, well not really so much sad, but... I sold it. As of August 18, 2003, I no longer own a "new" Ex. I still have my 91 XLT tho. And since it is "paid for" I will probably do some modding. Anyways, just wanted to let yall know.
PS - And YES, I DID make a profit!!!! Woo hoo gotta love makin money...

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why did you sell it - i missed that part - did you just not like it or what? :confused:

Yeah thats pretty :monkey: :thumbdwn: :roll: :banghead: :hammer: :shoot:

How come you sold the new X? I love my '03. Did you not like yours anymore?

Wow I was just reading over this old thread and realized I never gave a reason as to why I sold... Well, I quit my job in July, and was working volunteer at my church, making no cash. Obviously thats no good for making car payments... So I felt it was time to sell her. And it turned out to be a great deal for me. I was able to make nearly 2800 in profit from the sale. Now I am back driving my 91 XLT, and I just moved to Dallas to work at a church here, on staff, so I am saving up some money to fix it into better running condition. THAT is why I sold it. And ya know, Im not really that sad about having to go from a brand new vehicle to a 12 year old one... I like the 91, it has character! :)
