Spare tire bumper carrier | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spare tire bumper carrier



I have been trying to find a spare tire bumper carrier that will fit a 92 XLT, but to no avail. Anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance...

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I know that there was a group buy on this site about 2yrs ago for spare tire carrier bumpers. I believe that they ordered them from You will have to get the bumper made by a 4x4 shop, there aren't any manufacterers that sell these for Explorers.

That one in the link picture is a tomkin (jeep XJ, YJ part) that was modifed to attach to the explorer rear bumper. I talked to James Duff enterprises and they will not conect their Bronco 2 modular unit to the Explorer bumper they sell. I do not know why but they told me no can do. Your best bet is to find a 4 by shop that does custom work and talk to them.

shaggsta said:
I have been trying to find a spare tire bumper carrier that will fit a 92 XLT, but to no avail. Anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance...

If you have a receiver hitch, it would be easy for someone to fab a carrier that would just slip right in there. You would have the luxury of being able to remove it when not needed. Besides, we all know that the receiver hitch is useless according to u-haul :confused:

Actually, JC Whitney has a spare tire carrier for around $60. I saw it in the magazine. I dont know if that would be cheaper than fabbing one yourself or not, but it might be easier.

heres mine on my old explorer, if you want more details i can explaine it to you and provide more pics, heck i coudl even sell it to you....


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XplorerKid - How is it attached? Yah, details and more pics would be cool.

its an aftermarket tire carrier for an 84 s-10 blazer, we had to but the brackets to fit aroud nsoem stuff on the explorer, also drilled the holes in the body and tapped them and put nuts on the other side....

heres more pics...

its was pretty strong....


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XplorerKid. Seriously interested in your spare tire carrier. What would you want for it? Feel free to PM or email me if you'd prefer. :D

wow, whats going on with your bumper in the last pic. Looks like you lowered it.

You under stand that i am selling jsut the brackets, you will have to drill your own body and all, i dotn have the bolts anymore either but i bought mine at home depot, so its nothing special, if you serious, PM me and we can try and work something out......

ohe_boy said:
wow, whats going on with your bumper in the last pic. Looks like you lowered it.

last pic was right after my BOdy lift, and i hadnt lifted it yet.... the VERY first picture i posted in this thread was with the body lift, but bumper raised, that why the tail pipes were hanging down.....

how does the brackets/tire carrier hold up on the trails? and BTW, what size tires are you running?

the tires i ran were 31"s, never really had the tire carrier on the trail that much... what little i did it held up fine.....

I was wondering about that. Holding up onthe trails I mean. I wasn't sure if it'll hold my 33's on a moderate rugged trail.

But thats a nice set up there...

PM'd ya.

Any chance you remember the name of the aftermarket manufacturer?

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XplorerKid said:
heres mine on my old explorer, if you want more details i can explaine it to you and provide more pics, heck i coudl even sell it to you....
Hey Kid! I've posted twice, I've PM"d, and emailed you for info! What more I gotta do? :rolleyes:
