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Solved Spare Tire Tools

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Lee's Automotive

Elite Explorer
September 23, 2020
Reaction score
United States
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer XLT 4.0 SOHC
Hello I don't have the spare tire tools for my 99 and am unable to find them near me does anyone have a spare set

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Hello I don't have the spare tire tools for my 99 and am unable to find them near me does anyone have a spare set
You looking for just the 2-pc rods, lug nut wrench, bottle jack...or, all three?

Hello I don't have the spare tire tools for my 99 and am unable to find them near me does anyone have a spare set
i can check local jy, seen em ther before

You looking for just the 2-pc rods, lug nut wrench, bottle jack...or, all three?
all three if possible i have the jack though

Too bad you're out of state, I'd drop my old ones off since my spare ain't under there no more. The two piece one that sits under the seats I mean. As said, can try some local junkyards. Or worst comes to worst, see if maybe I can manage to ship these

Too bad you're out of state, I'd drop my old ones off since my spare ain't under there no more. The two piece one that sits under the seats I mean. As said, can try some local junkyards. Or worst comes to worst, see if maybe I can manage to ship these
Too bad you're out of state, I'd drop my old ones off since my spare ain't under there no more. The two piece one that sits under the seats I mean. As said, can try some local junkyards. Or worst comes to worst, see if maybe I can manage to ship these
How much to ship them?

How much to ship them?
I'm not sure, would have to look into it. I would estimate $10-20 probably, nothing horrible. Probably get it easier/cheaper from a junkyard, sooner that way too. As said, worst comes to worst and ya can't find any, come back and ask me, I can see from there, until then, I can keep my beating sticks lol

;) ;) ;) in case soemone chooses to buy a chevy
Nah, I'm actually good with chevy, have my issues with every company, but ford, chevy, dodge, and gmc are the only things I'll tolerate, to an extent. Grew up from a long line of chevys and fords

Nah, I'm actually good with chevy, have my issues with every company, but ford, chevy, dodge, and gmc are the only things I'll tolerate, to an extent. Grew up from a long line of chevys and fords
correction then... if someone chooses to buy a CHRYSLER 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 not sure if theyre even aroundno more... or could be used to throw thru the window of a bmw who cuts you off! Fix4Dirt does not endore violent acts and cannot be held liable for attacks on chrysler and BMW owners:D

correction then... if someone chooses to buy a CHRYSLER 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 not sure if theyre even aroundno more... or could be used to throw thru the window of a bmw who cuts you off! Fix4Dirt does not endore violent acts and cannot be held liable for attacks on chrysler and BMW owners:D
Or all those wannabe speed demon honda civics that are all full of themselves, gladly throw one at them too 😂

Or all those wannabe speed demon honda civics that are all full of themselves, gladly throw one at them too 😂
dang hondas always slamming gears and bouncing off the limiters... heck i dont even know if my X has a rev limiter 🤣

dang hondas always slamming gears and bouncing off the limiters... heck i dont even know if my X has a rev limiter 🤣
My 4.0 sohc doesn't have a limiter it does 6500rpm like it's nothing

My 4.0 sohc doesn't have a limiter it does 6500rpm like it's nothing
I can't say I've ever tried, I hit just over 5k once for the heck of, otherwise I've only pushed her to try and get to 100 mph, which she did back on the old 29s with no issue honestly

I can't say I've ever tried, I hit just over 5k once for the heck of, otherwise I've only pushed her to try and get to 100 mph, which she did back on the old 29s with no issue honestly
i hit 5k maybe a few times recently, LA freeways :D :D :D

i hit 5k maybe a few times recently, LA freeways :D :D :D
Don't like to make her scream too much, especially knowing she aint running right lol

Don't like to make her scream too much, especially knowing she aint running right lol
true, but if im not quick enough i get a loud honk and a tailgater sometimes!! it seems i have no choice... lose lose situation... oh well italian tune up 🤣

true, but if im not quick enough i get a loud honk and a tailgater sometimes!! it seems i have no choice... lose lose situation... oh well italian tune up 🤣
Hey, if I have to push it to get out, I can, I just don't tend to try, wait for a larger gap lol

Hey, if I have to push it to get out, I can, I just don't tend to try, wait for a larger gap lol
yeah... i try not to when i dont have to, but it always seems like theres someone behind me thats gon get upset at me for waiting! :(

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yeah... i try not to when i dont have to, but it always seems like theres someone behind me thats gon get upset at me for waiting! :(
Fair enough, happens a lot
