speaker removal/upgrade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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speaker removal/upgrade


New Member
March 2, 2010
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City, State
Manchester, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLS 4.0 liter V6
Are there any how-to videos out there, or at least pics, that show you how to remove door panels and rear cargo area panels? I'm going to be doing some speakers upgrades and subwoofer intallations and could really use the help. Thanks! :exp:

I just removed the passengers side rear door recently to do some pdr. First there is a screw on the bottom of the door. Then you have to remove the window controls. You should just have to lift the back up and pull it straight back, I don't quite remember, but there are no screws or clips holding it in, just a little arm that holds it to the door. Then remove the bolts that hold the panel to the door itself. I really couldn't tell you how many there are, but I think there were 3. Then just lift the panel up and pull toward you, there shouldn't be anything holding it on except for the arms similar to the window controls. The front panels should be similar, but I don't know anything about the rear cargo area. Hope that helped,
