Took my 2020 Aviator GT to Test and Tune night at local Drag Strip, 1/4 mile results | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Took my 2020 Aviator GT to Test and Tune night at local Drag Strip, 1/4 mile results


Well-Known Member
June 1, 2023
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Lincoln Aviator GT
(I first posted this on the Aviator Channel of the Lincoln Forums)
I'm car #301
Round 1

Round 2 (I tried a different launch, more brake boost, and it almost left early, so I mashed brake harder, and lost time on the launch)

Round 3, almost identical to Round 1, but a smidge better.

So, my take is. Perfectly acceptable from something that was probably a solid 3 tons with me and about 3/8 tank of fuel and maxed out option wise.
And I drove home purely on EV!
I'll take 13.5 at 104 MPH! And the best part was, between round 2 and 3 I walked over to the grandstands where my son in law and grandson were sitting, and a guy next to them said "Is that you in the Lincoln, why is that thing so fast?"
I was curious how it would compare to my 2019 Volvo S90 T8 (also PHEV) and it was dang close.
The Volvo ran 13.29 @ 104MPH and it was quicker off the line, which really surprised me since the Lincoln's EV gets benefit of low gears. But honestly, it did feel like it launched hard, and power rolled in more as it went.
Anyway, even a bad day with car people is a good day, and this was a good day with car people, so a great day!
(oh, plus I beat a widebody Scat Pack Challenger Shaker (The first run with a "bye" we lined up together, but he was having issues and was late, so they ran us separate), almost like my old car, and he wasn't pleased, couldn't launch the manual consistently, plus I still had the child seat in the car for the grandson!)

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Also, bone stock, car seat, me, maybe 3/8 tank of gas or so, probably dang near 3 tons.
Also I filled up MONTHS ago with 87 (it has some premium in left in it), then when I decided I wanted to get it to the track to see how it ran, I put a bottle of the good Royal Purple Octane boost which claims 30 "points" or 3 "numbers" of octane, so it should have been close to 91ish at the time.
Maybe if I ever go back, I'll try to plan ahead again, and do a tank or two of 93, then run it down for weight before running it again.

Mid 13s is a great ET for such a large vehicle. It's just a bit quicker than our stock 2004 Mach 1.:burnout:

Also, bone stock, car seat, me, maybe 3/8 tank of gas or so, probably dang near 3 tons.
Also I filled up MONTHS ago with 87 (it has some premium in left in it), then when I decided I wanted to get it to the track to see how it ran, I put a bottle of the good Royal Purple Octane boost which claims 30 "points" or 3 "numbers" of octane, so it should have been close to 91ish at the time.
Maybe if I ever go back, I'll try to plan ahead again, and do a tank or two of 93, then run it down for weight before running it again.
Yeah, I was overall pleased. I thought it would launch harder and be better in the 1/8 than the top end of the 1/4. And based on my other experiences (minimal) in
2018 Challenger Scat Pack Shaker AT (485HP 475TQ)
2019 Volvo S90 T8 Inscription (PHEV with 313HP Supercharged and Turbocharged 2.0 4cyl FWD PLUS 87HP EV motor in the rear) 400HP 472TQ total
And not much data is online about these, but I pretty much equaled Car and Driver's results of

Yeah, I was overall pleased. I thought it would launch harder and be better in the 1/8 than the top end of the 1/4. And based on my other experiences (minimal) in
2018 Challenger Scat Pack Shaker AT (485HP 475TQ)
2019 Volvo S90 T8 Inscription (PHEV with 313HP Supercharged and Turbocharged 2.0 4cyl FWD PLUS 87HP EV motor in the rear) 400HP 472TQ total
And not much data is online about these, but I pretty much equaled Car and Driver's results of
View attachment 445528

That is the best ET I ran with our Mach 1. It has a stock 305 HP DOHC 4.6 litre.

That is the best ET I ran with our Mach 1. It has a stock 305 HP DOHC 4.6 litre.
Yeah, times have changed. I remember thinking in the start of the 90s, that even the fast cars would never be like in the 60s/70s. Now most normal cars are faster than those. And performance cars are nuts.
In 1993 I got a Dodge Intrepid brand new, with the optional 3.5 24 valve V6, 215HP! I thought I was king turn on crap island with that. I said "I'll never get a car with less than 200hp again. Now, my least powerful vehicle was my V6 Grand Cherokee with still over 300hp, and 3 others with 400hp and up!
Take the Corvette, America's Sports Car. except for the fairly rare ZR1 from 1990 to 1995 that ran low 13s (maybe a 12.X), the first "normal" Corvette quicker than my Lincoln was in 1997! So over 40 years of Corvettes can't hang with it on the 1/4.
AND get phenomenal gas mileage for 3 tons. Heck my daughter's KIA EV6 (AWD, NOT the GT) EV will run probaby 13.2!
