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August 18, 2007
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Los Angeles, California
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'93 4x4
so is there something about a prius that makes people drive like butt heads and speed all the time? I seem to see a prius pulled over at least once a week. actuall i saw one pulled over sunday night and then today on my way to school. so thats 2 this week!

anybody else notice this?

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This reminds me of an email we got from our sales rep out in CA who owns one.

Back story, when he was at headquarters last month to train, he was telling us all about the TWO Priuses that he and his wife were getting. He had an S 500 and she had a Suburban and they wanted to save money on gas.

Well, he originally ordered his in Pine Mica Metallic or whatever that green color is. He then changed his mind because, his words not mine, "Owning a Prius was pretty gay, but that color just made it more so". REPEAT, his words! Anyway, so he could stay within his acceptable level of "gay", he ordered a different color and of course had to go to the end of the line.

Anyway, the doofus sends us a photo that he took of his dash display to show he was doing 90 mph in his Prius. I'm waiting to hear that he got into an accident because it's inevitable. He's called-in while driving and he actually has his laptop out, reading from it and entering in information.

So, yeah, butt-head, idiot, dumba$$, something like that.

They always seem to drive the slowest around here. The fastest drivers around here have the biggest trucks

Around here, they like to drive 60mph in the fast lane and hold up traffic. I've seen them angrily wave their hands in the air when I get up behind them. Then the idiot drivers almost always shake their head at you as you whip around them when you finally get room. Then they'll try to speed up a little to block the pass. They think they're doing me a favor by slowing me down. They just pissing me off and make me want to cut them off when I get the chance.

I did a nice 60 mph burn out next to one yesterday when I was out playing with my Mustang. Funny thing is I get close to 30mpg (hwy) in it when I take it easy. Its just really hard to behave and stay out of boost. So I'm one of the butt heads that likes to speed all the time. I have no problem with that.

I've noticed Civic drivers (the commuters, not the riced out ones) tend to act just like Prius drivers.

There's nothing more fun than passing one of them in my dad's GMC 1500 with loud exhaust. When the window is down it shoots right into it. It's side exit exhaust, and I always make sure it's the loudest when it's right in a prius's window.

It's also a good truck for scaring bikers and pedestrians too. :D

It's also a good truck for scaring bikers ... :D

Hey now! :nono: At least you don't throw things.

I swear I'm want to start carrying a gun and let some lead fly the time some idiot runs me off the road.

Speaking of running people off the road, I was trying to merge onto a highway today and two chicks in a Corolla pulled up next to me and then just started pacing me despite the fact that I had my signal on and was accelerating. After about a 1/4 mile of that BS, I got sick of that BS and just started drifting into their lane. They got the picture and sped up so I could merge in. :D

Hey now! :nono: At least you don't throw things.

I swear I'm want to start carrying a gun and let some lead fly the time some idiot runs me off the road.

Speaking of running people off the road, I was trying to merge onto a highway today and two chicks in a Corolla pulled up next to me and then just started pacing me despite the fact that I had my signal on and was accelerating. After about a 1/4 mile of that BS, I got sick of that BS and just started drifting into their lane. They got the picture and sped up so I could merge in. :D

The irony is, I bike too. So I know how much it sucks to have it happen. For some reason it doesn't stop me still. I think I do it most to bikers who are being dumb about riding on the road. I hate it when they don't let cars pass.

I hear ya though, I've had stuff through and been spit on more than once, and all the name-calling, too.

There's nothing more fun than passing one of them in my dad's GMC 1500 with loud exhaust. When the window is down it shoots right into it. It's side exit exhaust, and I always make sure it's the loudest when it's right in a prius's window.

It's also a good truck for scaring bikers and pedestrians too. :D

I had a buddy with a lifted super-duty diesel that had a programmer. When he would goose it, there would be a great black cloud of smoke from the side-exit exhaust... He used to love catching ricers at stop lights with fart-cans and loud stereos. A couple gooses of the engine, or a brake-stand would effectively blind them, and after he took off, most of the local ricers could barely keep up with him.


I phoned my mom 10 minutes ago and she told me shes out of town..she sounded shacky and said a truck almost hit her head on.

it was raining hard and a transport covered he windshield with water, then when the wipers turned on she saw a truck infront of her, thankfuly the transport that was getting passed pulled over a bit and the truck flew right between my moms car the the big rig.... she had to pull over after, she was so wrecked and crying

If some crazy driver pulled a dumb stunt like that I would rip him out of his vechile and give him some kinda words

They all drive slow as hell here. And they clog up my carpool lane!!!:rant:

I phoned my mom 10 minutes ago and she told me shes out of town..she sounded shacky and said a truck almost hit her head on.

it was raining hard and a transport covered he windshield with water, then when the wipers turned on she saw a truck infront of her, thankfuly the transport that was getting passed pulled over a bit and the truck flew right between my moms car the the big rig.... she had to pull over after, she was so wrecked and crying

If some crazy driver pulled a dumb stunt like that I would rip him out of his vechile and give him some kinda words

Was she driving a Prius really slowly in the fast lane, holding up traffic? Maybe someone wanted to wake her up.:eek:

j/k man. Sorry to hear that.

well i guess thats the funny thing, you guys are right. on the freeway doing 60mph holding up the carpool lane, but i only noticed them speeding on like surface streets its basically on PCH is the only time i see them pulled over.

they arent saving any fuel for the planet cuz people get angry and punch it, using more gas....

oh and about the whole "saving money on gas" thing, i dont think that works with a car thats so pricey!!! i think that statement would make more sense buying a used 4cyl car or something like a Smart Car!! hahahaha

Like others have said they drive stupid slow and don't get out of the fast lane. THEY may be using less gas but they are causing other people to burn more when they block them in and piss them off. Jerks....

They all drive slow as hell here. And they clog up my carpool lane!!!:rant:

That is the truth. They get in the car pool lane with there access ok stickers and go 45mph while the rest of the traffic is going 60+. I have given up on the enter and exit at certain points. I swear they make traffic worse.

I hardly ever see them down here in Auburn, but when I go home to Birmingham I see a few. Not enough to cause a problem though. There are hybrids driving around but most people have the normal looking ones, and they dont have a stick but their ass. My dad has the Escape hybrid and drives just like he did in his Expedition, only now he get 30ish mpg instead of 10ish mpg.
