Squeak up front? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Squeak up front?


Active Member
July 28, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Washington, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT
Maybe you guys can help me out. When ever i go over a speed bump of hit the brakes to come to a stop the front end squeaks real bad when it comes down. I have new shocks up there, so I am at a lost. Anyone got an idea?

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this looks really familiar did you do a search for it or check since yesterdays posts? oh yeah, clank or squeak?

well anyway it could be bushngs in need of grease, loose shocks or torsion limiter hitting frame if 95+, if pre 95 it could be radius arm bushings

also my frond end squeaks like heck because i got into an accident last week and the parts on the pass side are loose so they squeak

and I thought that this is normal sign of aging....... lol.

Mine squeaks too, it will stop next time I hit the trail.

Shock bushings perhas? check if you didn't tighten them too much or missed a washer or something.

otherwise? dry ball joints?

good luck,

Originally posted by jimabena74
this looks really familiar...

I am the one who posted this question a couple days ago. My plorer is actually in the shop right now getting add-a-leaf put on and they are going to find out what the sqeacking is... I'll post the reason later tonight in case anyone else has the same problem.

I had the problem in the front. The ball bearings lost grease and they were rubbing metal, or that's what the mechanic at the Ford dealer told me. They filled it with grease temporarily until the part came in, then they replaced both front ball bearings.

Just got results... According to the mech it is the control arm bushing. He also said that it is a common problem with newer Explorers that never gets reported, because it is an on and off squeak that comes and goes. He did say that it is worse in colder areas or during winter because the bushing gets harder in the cold. Most warranties cover it.

I replaced the left torsion bar adjuster today (on my 96) with a new one from Ford and most of my squeaks are gone! You really can't tell what condition the rubbber pad is in until the adjuster is dropped. I belive simply replacing the old rubber with a piece of hose or inner tube would work as well. Also, the $20 gear pulller I bought to do this was a waste of money...the gear puller kept slipping off the adjuster housing.

Well, both my radius arm bushings are gone! The backside of one cracked all the way through and the other is somehow staying in place! I am going to get some of the energy suspension bushings for the whole truck now.

energy suspension, now where did you get these??? I'm looking....... are these the rubber ones?

