Stalling at stops due to transmission not disengaging. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stalling at stops due to transmission not disengaging.


New Member
May 17, 2014
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City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer EB
Hey all, need some input on possible causes and fixes. My 2001 Explorer Eddie Bauer 186000 miles recently started intermittently stalling out at stop signs and lights. It feels like the transmission isn't disengaging, kinda like when you forget to push the clutch in on a manual, but I assure you that mine is an automatic. I had searched on the web forums for info and have had a hard time finding anything specific for my situation, hoping that someone can help me out here. I dread the thought of having to take it to a transmission shop and them telling me it needs to be rebuilt if its something as easy as a vacuum hose has come loose. Know what I mean? I had just changed the spark plugs like a day or 2 before it started acting up so that could totally be a possibility...:D...Thanks for your input!!!

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Which engine? Check engine light or trouble codes? May be simple as cleaning the idle air control (IAC) valve. GL

It's the 4.0l V6, the check engine light isn't coming on and I don't have a code reader. Is there anything engine related that would cause the transmission to not disengage at idle though?

Also, I've found that if I quickly shift it to neutral before it bogs down and stalls then pop it in reverse and back up about a foot then drop it back in drive it will not stall out.....I know, weird, right! Especially freaks out whoever is behind me at the light too.

brake pedal position switch

The brake pedal position (BPP) switch allows the PCM to determine when to unlock the torque converter. The switch has two sections: one for the brake lights and another for the PCM. An easy way to test the switch is to engage speed control and then tap the brake pedal. If speed control remains engaged then the PCM section of the BPP switch is not working.

Thanks for the info, but I don't think there is a problem with the brake switch, I use my cruise control all the time and tapping the brake is the only way I ever disengage it at highway speeds, like if I'm coming up behind slower traffic. It always disengages when I tap it.

It still sounds like the tc is not unlocking though. I had that happen with a Buick once..I ended up unplugging a wire near the tranny. It was my step moms car and the garage put coil packs and threw all kinds of crap at it. Hers would not do it all the time..only once in a while.

I believe I have and had the same issue. First time happened while driving long distance in the heat. If I took my foot off pedal, pressing pedal again would not accelerate vehicle and I would lose speed for 4 or 5 seconds where suddenly it would seem to catch and keep moving. Once stopped at lights though, car would not move and would stall out. Refilling tranny fluid seemed to get me home (I was stuck four hours from home) I had a rebuilt tranny put in and drove the car from Indiana to Las Vegas. 8 months later and Vegas heat is intense. Today, driving home from work, the car stalled out at a traffic light. Restarted car, put in gear and pressed pedal, car would sorta sputter then eventually catch and drive. This went on the whole way home. I dont know what is happening, think the heat is exacerbating the problem but otherwise clueless.

If you shift the transmission to 2 or 1, does it still stall?

When I bought my current Explorer, it stalled when stopping in drive; however, it would stay running in 2 or 1. In my case, the TCC solenoid was bad. I replaced it and all has been well ever since (5+ years). Someone with a good diagnostic scan tool should be able to identify if the solenoid is the problem or not (the transmission shop I went to had a Snap-On model).


I believe that my stalling problem on my Explorer is the same as yours. So, I have a few questions:

1. The torque control solenoid (TCC) is in the transmission, right?
2. Do you have any idea what the part # is on a 5R55E tranny, 2002 Explorer sport; or can you direct me to find the part #?

1. The torque control solenoid (TCC) is in the transmission, right?
2. Do you have any idea what the part # is on a 5R55E tranny, 2002 Explorer sport; or can you direct me to find the part #?
1. That is correct.
2. No I don't, I'm sorry. The transmission shop I had use their scan tool didn't have a new one in stock; instead, they pulled one out of a tranny they had in their shop and sold it to me at a discount (roughly 50% off the price of a new one).

I'd definitely have a shop check it out, though, if you can get it there. This doesn't appear to be a very common issue, and I'd hate for you to drop the tranny pan, swap the solenoid out, and fill it with new fluid only to have it not be the issue. Any shop worth their salt should have a tool capable of identifying whether or not the TCC solenoid is the culprit.
