Steering shifter linkage question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering shifter linkage question


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February 21, 2005
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City, State
Greensboro, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 XLT 4X4
I was looking into getting a 3 in body lift. I want a two, but I know that it will not be enough, so why do it twice? Might as well get the three. My question is, If I were to do a 3 inch on my 93, would the steering linkage and transmission link be too short? Summit Racing (where I would be purchasing it from) says that a three inch would require welding and fabrication to the linkages. Is it true? Is it hard? Thanks for the input. (I bet 410Fortune is the first to reply.)

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search for steering extension :)
I have a 3" body lift on my gen II, no steering extension required, instead a hole was drilled in the factory shaft so it would reach. the extension would work fine too, but it would hit my headers with the V8

Flaming river makes custom shafts to any size you want, that is the best solution and eventually I will either get one of those or remove my body lift

I knew I should have bet money on you were being the first reply to my clumsy thread.

its a sure bet, 11 am on a wed when I am at work and its 40 degrees outside. I work and monitor the ex board and other forums, such is the nature of my job

Looking for sweet deals on craigslist too :)

Instead of a 3 BL, do you think that A set of F150 springs (from a V8) on the front would give me the clearance that I'm needing for my wheels? Then do the Add A Leif on the rear to help level it out? The whole reason for this is cost. I've got a set of wheels (free) that I can't mount because my 31's rub the rocker panel. My stock wheels don't, But I want the extra inch of width I get from my newer wheels. That's why I was thinking about the 2 inch, but I fear that If I get it, that I will decide that it is not enough after about...3 hours.

to clear 31's I would use the F-150 spring SEAT and some warrior shackles in the back

Not the F-150 springs, but the spacer that goes below your stock coil.

You will need an alignment, this is the best bang for the buck 1-1/2" lift you will find for a Gen I truck

Try a search for them
