Steering Wheel Leather Wrap Replacement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering Wheel Leather Wrap Replacement

Howdy all,

I have been browsing these forums for a while now and decided to register now that I have a specific question.

I have a 2005 Ford Explorer XLT. Recently, the leather wrapped steering wheel has began to peel where I primarily place my hand (the "12 o'clock" position). I am interested in either
1) Finding a place that rewraps wheels
2) Rewrapping the wheel myself
3) Buying a new wheel (maybe with radio controls :) )

Does any have experience with the first two? If not, does anyone know where to purchase a new steering wheel. I have been able to locate a few on eBay, but they are all tan. I am looking for black.

Thanks a lot fellas!

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You could get a leather wheelskins for like $30. They don't look bad at all and take about an hour to stitch up.

Thanks for the reply. Those are definitely an option but I have never been a big fan of how they look.

I'd be curious to hear what you end up doing as I'm experiencing the same thing on my steering wheel.

Rave, right now I am trying to find a new steering wheel. I have found some at a reasonable price but they aren't the correct color.

On a side note, don't grip your steering wheel while your hands are full of pine tar.

That could have something to do with it! My issue is a bit different, I think the previous owner somehow stretched the leather at the 12 oclock position, so now it's not tight on the steering wheel. Not a huge deal, just a minor annoyance.

I am in the same boat as you... it is merely an annoyance.

That said, I prefer to fix things like this sooner, rather than later. That way, even with 100k miles your car feels 'new.'

The cost to have a steering wheel professionally re-wrapped in leather (or even vinyl) isn't too far from the cost of a new dealer prices. there are also only a few places nationwide that do it, unless you're fortunate enough to live near an auto upholsterer who has the skills to do it and is willing to work on steering wheels. Even then, cost is still an issue, not to mention workmanship and warranty.

Wheelskins is about the best you can do for a DIY fix. It looks like crap on some factory wheels that have a lot of material on the spokes, but for $30, it's hard to beat.

The only other alternative is the cheapo $10-20 covers you can get at the auto department or parts stores. They are ok, but not always very grippy.

I'd say keep up the hunt for a new wheel. Under $100 for a new one in the black color you want would be good, but you may have to settle for grey or tan, since not all models came with a black leather wheel.

If it ever gets so bad that the factory leather starts coming off, you can just remove it and do a wheelskins job.

mine is in the same boat, . . .been hunting for a used one at a JY. . .

also of note if you send it out to be fixed/redone that's going to take out the truck for a while. . .

good tips. . . .Anime.

My '00 XLT has nice leather on the wheel, but the 12 o'clock is loose and twists. I like this particular leather wrap, so I'm thinking of pulling it off and building up the cushion with something, maybe bat tape or even innertube (ack?!?!)

Has anyone done this, am I begging for a wasted weekend? I do know how to do the baseball stitch, but is it overall making sense? And has anyone found a good cushion material I'm not aware of?
