Steering Wheel removal tips and tricks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering Wheel removal tips and tricks


November 30, 2015
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Tucson, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Ford Explorer XLT
HOW-TO:Steering Wheel removal tips and tricks

EDIT: Write-up below....

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Steering wheel Removal How-To Plus Switch replacement

Steering wheel write up

Ok, hopefully I have better luck with this post.:) Finally got around to taking off the steering wheel and installing a new right side switch. Bad news is that the new switch has the same behavior as the old one, but good news is, I was able to take pics and do a quick write up. Maybe Ill try resetting Sync via the fuse method next...
Since I do not have permission to post images directly to this post I will be linking them in via my google drive folder. They are rather large images so please feel free to re-host/re-size/embed this images in to another post within this thread.
Ok, here we go:

Steering Wheel Removal

*Disconnect the negative cable from the battery in the Engine compartment

*Locate the Body Control Module inside the passenger compartment BCM
-The BCM is located in the foot well on the drivers side towards the driver's door. A plastic cover will have to be removed to access it.

-Three fasteners hold the plastic cover in place. Remove these and carefully take out the plastic cover. This will now allow you to access the BCM fuse box.

*Once the BCM is located, take off the cover and remove fuse 37 (10 amp) using the supplied tool found on the back of the BCM cover.
-Fuse 37 is for the Restraint Control Module (RCM)

*Next, using a 3mm allen wrench (I used a 7/64" one) release the airbag spring pin clips from the two holes found on the sides of the steering wheel.
-This step was tricky for me and took a few tries. A handy tip is to keep the allen wrench straight (parallel with the ground) when feeling for the spring pin.

*Remove the air bag wire clips.
-To get better leverage, I gently used needle nose pliers

*Remove steering wheel bolt
-Bolt is a T50 Torx

*Remove steering wheel

*Tape the clock spring to the housing to prevent accidental rotation
-Use anything but scotch I ended up using electrical since I had some on hand but the scotch tape did not hold at all.

Thats pretty much it for steering wheel how to, but just for kicks, here is how to replace the right steering wheel switch:

*With the steering wheel removed, remove the three T15 torx screws that hold down the steering wheel cover.

*Unclip steering wheel switch wire harnesses for both right and left switches.

*Uninstall the switch from the cover
-There are three pins that hold the switch in the cover

*Install new switch!

Thats its for now. If I left anything out, Ill add it in the future. Thanks!

(sorry guys, I had to removed the images due to security concerns on my google drive-contact me personally and Ill send them via email)

I've got a loose/wobbly steering wheel right now, so this was certainly informative and confidence expiring in taking a look at it!

Excellent write up thank you!

I've got a loose/wobbly steering wheel right now, so this was certainly informative and confidence expiring in taking a look at it!

Excellent write up thank you!
What a coincidence. A recall just came out on the 2014 - 2018 Ford Fusion and LIncoln MKZ for a bolt in the steering wheel assembly that could come loose and allow the steering wheel to come off. !.3 million vehicles are affected. No mention of any Explorers.


What a coincidence. A recall just came out on the 2014 - 2018 Ford Fusion and LIncoln MKZ for a bolt in the steering wheel assembly that could come loose and allow the steering wheel to come off. !.3 million vehicles are affected. No mention of any Explorers.
Yeah, I saw that and looked for Explorer as part of it. I assume I'll just pull the bolt, dab a little loctite blue on it and snug it back down.
