subs cutting in and out | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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subs cutting in and out


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2004
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City, State
Strongsville, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
Well I've had my system for about 2 years now. JVC headunit alpine amp crossfire subs wedge box.

I know everything is rated right (I mean the subs aren't underpowered/overpowered) I don't have the amp turned all the way up I used to have it all the way up and could crank up the volume pretty good :D .

I put them in my friends car for a bit when I couldn't drive and they worked fine in his car too.

Well I got them back about 2 months ago and i don't feel like there the same. I can't have the LOUD feature on. and I can only have bass at +1 or 2

I used to have LOUD on at -1 or 0 and if no loud I could max it at +6.

so i'm thinking well there getting old or not as good nemore just shots in the dark bad ground ya know? Well the grounds fine.

Nowww i find somethign really intersting. When the radios on I can have LOUD on and +6 my CD player just suckin? I need new shocks also so i thought maybe since my shocks are could rattle more on bumps and cause cd skipping? CDS skip all the time, if i hit a tar ball the wrong way with the bass'll skip!

Any suggestions sorry for sucha long post ;)

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It is not unusual to be able to turn the bass up more on the radio then when you are playing a cd. FM just doesn't carry the same frequency range that a cd does. Think FM as standard cable TV and cd as digital cable.

It is possible that when you hooked it back up in your car that the subs are firing out of phase and cancelling each other out. (this is my first guess)

It is possible that when in your friends car that he fried a voice coil.

When you say you can't turn it up, I quess you mean you can't turn it up like before without it distorting?

first, how do subs misfire?

secondly, when I mean I can't turn it up I mean if I do turn it will cut out.

Cut out as in it sounds like the cd is scratched. No sound for a few seconds then skipping around the song and then when I turn it back down it'll catch up and start playin normal again. :salute:

Kinda sounds like you friend blew your subs for you !!!!!!!!!!!! Usually when i have had that problem i take them out look for discoloration on the subs where you hook them up. I had some old ma audios that used to burn out the connecting wire on the positive side i used to soder it up and then it whould work fine again untill it blows again ( it finally blew to were i couldnt do it any more ) the point is you could get lucky .............

you don't think it could be my CD player at all??

I feel like it skips all the time on the smallest of bumps. I just don't understand how they could be so loud on radio and be blown still... I understand the whole different freq. between radio n cd but still wouldn't they cut if blown on radio too?

also even after hooking them back up in my car I took them out and put them back in his car. They worked fine in there maxed out amp all the way up and cd player EQ all the way up...

that's why I'm still leanin towards it being my CD player :D

o well do your other speakers cutt out to or is it just your sub. if everything cutts out i whould look at the head unit (Maybe blow it out with air my buddys had a problem simmilar to this and we opened it up and blew some air in it and it works great again... If nothing else wire up a different deck to it and c if it works if you know somone that has a spare...

yea i'm sorry i shoulda have been more clear, the subs aren't the only thing that cut out. All sound cuts out and then jumps back in. blow air into what though? like the cd slot? I was thinking of using one of those disc cleaners with the tiny brush to wipe the cd eye

I would say if every thing works fine in his car, but not yours. Then the cd player is on top of the list. Would your friend let you install his cd player in your car to see if that fixes the problem. You would then be sure that it is your cd player.

Umm a disc cleaner might work! We just took the deck all the way out and took it apart we had nothing to lose he waz about to spend 400 on a new one. We found that there was a lot of dust and cobwebs in it. so we blew it all out butt i think a disc cleaner whould possibly work for you.

i tried a cd cleaner and it didn't work and i just took this thing apart two months ago to put my RCA jacks in the back and didn't see any excess dust.

How would i hook someone elses up unless it's the same brand I thought they use different hookups?? or no?

Yes they have different plugs on the back. But you need to find out if it is you cd player or not. If there cd player works fine then you know it was your cd player causing the problem. If there cd player has the same problems in your truck then you know it is something else in the truck. Before you sned weeks chasing everyone guess as the problem. Start to rule out some of the big ones.

Before you sned weeks chasing everyone guess as the problem.

I'm sorry I tried to figure out what you were trying to say lol but I can't

I got...before you spend weeks chasing everyone, guess at the problem??

that still doesn't make sense to me maybe i'm slow lol

He means instead of just going by what other people think is the issue. Start by making sure its not something major like the Headunit, wireing, etc.

how will i use someone else's though?

I would need to sit there and wire up there whole wiring harness and such?


well you will probably be able to find a harness that will hook in to the one u already have and your friends deck. (so what you do is you take your deck out and find another deck that you can borrow then you go to a store like walmart and get the 5 to 10 doller connecter that gose from a ford explorer to a whatever your friends deck is....... If some one cutt your factory connector then you will probably have to just wire nut it on whitch whould suck just copy dowen your colors so you can putt it back together right ........
