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Suggestions for lifting?

Yea, I'm 2wd. So your telling me I can crank the Torsion bars as much as I want and there will be no harm done (as long as I go and get a alignment done afterwards)? So the 2inch max TT only applies the 4wd's?

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Yes, I currently have 3" of TT.

Originally posted by Alec
Yes, I currently have 3" of TT.
:eek: :eek: I bet your X rides like a Caddy too :D

It's a little rough but not too bad at all. I currently have my Ranchos set halfway and can make the ride much cushier if I want to. Any more TT and it would be rough. Offroad with the Ranchos on 1 and the swaybars disco'ed it rides like a yacht :D

It rides better than my brother's stock 93. It feels better than their new Tahoe, but the Tahoe wallows too much for my taste. It rides almost exactly like my dad's SLK.

ALEC - I appreciate your help!:D
