Sunroof Leaks, Need Some Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sunroof Leaks, Need Some Help


Active Member
November 13, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Rochester, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
I was going through a car wash the other day and noticed the sunroof leaks. I stuck my hand up there and felt water coming in at the two back corners. Does anybody have any advice on how to fix this and where to get the parts from? Thanks in advance.

It looks like the back of the sunroof is sticking up a little too high to get a good seal. Anybody have any ideas before I take the headliner off?

Since nobody has responded, I will answer. Mine is a 2004 and may not be the same as yours. I notice that as mine closes, the rear lifts slightly and the owner's manual says this is normal. I can manually stop it before the back raises and it is pressing the seal. Question - could yours have been parked in the lower position causing the gasket to "set" in a compressed position and when parked normally, fail to "spring" back to it's original height? I would imagine the age of your truck would have deteriorated the rubber somewhat.
