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Suspension Noise


June 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
North Haven Connecticut
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XL
Got an 04 xl and recently a rattling noise started whenever I go over bumps. It’s not the normal bushing problem that everyone talks about it sounds like metal on metal hitting. Does anyone have a clue as to what this can be?? I’m at my wits end with this one

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loose interior panels maybe? Where does the noise come from? If your shocks are shot you could be getting more vibration causing something to shake and make noise. A couple different possibilities here.

It's def coming from under the truck(I only hear it when the windows are down).

It's def coming from under the truck(I only hear it when the windows are down).

Front or rear? It could be your upper/lower balljoints, a loose exhaust hanger, or your shocks. Giving it the bounce test should give you a pretty good idea on the shocks. Shake your exhaust components by hand, if you hear the noise it's your problem.

Sorry should have included more details on this one. It's coming from the front end and the shocks don't make any noise when I push the front end down. It has to be a jarring type of motion like a bumpy road or a pothole

How many times does it bounce before it settles? 1 time is best, if your getting 3 or more I'd look into the shocks. If it's not your shocks you would want to look into getting it into a shop that does free inspections. Unless some other components have broken loose it should be limited to your suspension. Try turning your steering wheel to its limits and listen for popping about 1-1/2 turn from the limit. If it's popping check your CV boots. If you feel binding in the steering wheel it could be your control arms.

It only makes the noise when I hit the bump once over it it stops so once, and it's actually at my mechanics now and he can't figure it out either. I've gone though it in my driveway and couldn't find anything. Apparently there's a ghost with a hammer in my front end.

Oh, check the bump stop! I had a massive drop in my driveway to the street and I wore out a bump stop on a car before. It even made my 02 Durango hit the bump stop.

I may sound like an idiot right now but what is a bump stop and where would it be located? The name gives enough hints but I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

Check the heat shields on your exhaust. Same thing happened to my ex-wifes.

Have your steering rack checked....My whole rack and pinion was bad in my '04 EB Explorer. My truck did what I think yours is doing...clunking noise radiating up the steering column and the floor when going over rough had a hard time finding it...they replaced tie rod ends, gave it back to me and I still had the noise...took it back they said it was a strut...replaced...noise still there....finally they replaced the rack and pinion....noise gone!!:D

sway bar end links? Try running one front tire over a speed bump then the other . . . see if you can isolate left or right?

Does it on both sides. More so on the left but that also could be due to the fact I'm sitting on the left haha
