Swap rear seat out? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Swap rear seat out?

Blake D

Well-Known Member
April 1, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Bella Vista, Arkansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
I was wondering if the rear split seat from a 95 or newer x would fit in place of my 94s. I would really like to have headrests in the back seat for my passengers on trips. Would the seats still fold down like before? How hard to replace?

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I think that the seats in all explorers are interchangable, I could be wrong though

Anyone sure?!! I can get one for $75 from the salvage yard. I don't know if that is worth it or not. Back seats are uncomfortable anyway but headrests might help. Any suggestions or feedback. If you have the newer rear seats are thay any more comfortable?

should work, I am putting some sweet buckets in the front of mine and I'm taking the old ones and putting them in the back with the stock center console in between them, :D :D :D

Worth the headrest though?

They will definately fit. In one of my families 92's, we have a set of 1995+ rear seats in there. Same bolt up pattern.

Originally posted by Blake D
Worth the headrest though?

They fit, they are more comfortable than the older style seat, and $75 is a good deal. Get it!

So worth $75 even though my old seats are still fine? Mabye the yard will buy my seats from me save me a little more cost. Any other items from a new ex that are a direct replacement in the old and really worth it? I would love to have electric seats but that would mean wiring, I think it could be a pain.
