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system monitors


New Member
April 5, 2006
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City, State
Poway, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 Explorer Sport
Hi guys,

I recently installed an oxygen sensor in my '96 Exlporer Sport in order to resolve a check-engine light problem. Afterwards, I cleared the OBDII codes with my code reader. I have driven it almost 500 miles since then and my code reader still indicates that the monitors have not completed all of the tests (2 are still flashing). Does anyone know how many miles it usually takes for the tests to complete? I need to get it smogged and it will not pass as long as the computer has not completed all tests.



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if the check engine light is not on, it will pass emissions

Thanks for the quick reply. However, I have already tried to have it smogged and the guy showed my the line on the printout that inidcated "Fail" due to the fact that not all tests had been run. He even asked me if I had recently cleared the codes myself. He told me it would take around 200 miles for all tests to complete, but it looks like that was optimistic. D'oh!!

Awesome! I will try them out asap. Thanks a lot for the help.
