T\C Sticking on - Need Help | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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T\C Sticking on - Need Help

This one has been bothering me, with that additional info... guess what. The thermostatic valve plays directly into the TCC operation...do ya think IT might be as issue here?

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Okay, you have clipped the wire at the ecm that grounds the solenoid. BUT, if the harness was rubbed through to ground between the solenoid and ecm, it would engage the TCC. If that happens, then manual low will still restrict flow to the TCC valve but the TCC would be engaged at all other times. Only way to eliminate that as a cause would be to physically disconnect the TCC from the harness at the solenoid and test drive.


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Recently, before Sparky's time on this board, we had a fellow who had an odd 5R55 problem. he was very smart and did everything perfectly along the diagnostic routine trail just right until all that was left was the internal harness. Yep that was it. He paid $95 at the dealer for a new one.

Let's eliminate that here as well. If it turns out to be the internal harness, PLEASE PM me before you spend $95 for one. I have several.

ok,I'll drop the pan and pull the connector for the TCC solenoid then test drive. Wouldn't the PCM detect a ground fault on the TCC wire and throw a code? Remember I have no codes! Also before dropping the pan again, I will check the resistance of the TCC wire at the PCM to ground. I guess if there is really low resistance(enough to energize the solenoid) bingo! I remember that when I installed the resistor on the EPC, I noticed that the wires and the tie wraps on the wire weres really brittle. It could be the harness. I'll let you guys know as soon as I do the tests.

It should.... but apparently does not always.

They are subscriptions that I access online. Why?

I have some software that I bought from somebody on EBay that was written by Mitchell, and Ford. I also have some printed manuals from various companies. The diagrams, and troubleshooting information that you usually post seem to be clearer to understand, and more to the point, although some of the ones that I have are similar. Is your subscription from Alldata, ATRA, or a similar website? I don't have a subscription to them.

Most are straight out of the dealers manuals. Mitchell has a bad habit of not wanting to pay the fees and doing it themselves. That's why I don't use them.

I'd say 90% or better of charts and diagrams I post are straight out of the mfgs. repair manuals.

As far as which, let's just say one mfg. and 3 aftermaket providers. I don't want to get too specific.

That link needs to be a sticky with exclamation points!


Warning for older, slower computer owners. The 99 file that I'm downloding is 199MB.

The one that I'm downloading is 296 MB on a dial up connection. That should take about 28 hours providing that the transfer rate doesn't change. I really needed one for an 88, but the closest one is the 93 which I could also use since I have a 93 too.

As far as I know, Ford does not have service manuals on CD before 1992. They only started this system in 1992, before that you have to go look it up in service books. Maybe mitchel on demand or somthing else might have it??

I once bought a 1988 Ford CD on EBay. I was looking for the 89 CD on that website. At a dial up speed, it doesn't seem possible to properly download, since the download gets cut off in the middle. Maybe a friend of mine with DSL, or cable could download it for me.

Back to my transmission problem......

I was looking on e-bay and I can get both the wiring harness and a valve body for less than $100. Do you think if I swap these two things, it has a 99% chance of working. I am just getting tired of dropping the pan, and creating a mess of tranny fluid, I want to drop the pan only once more if possible. I was thinking that it could be a short to ground in the wiring harness, but that doesn't really explain why it will never do it untill the tranny is warm. I'm thinking a spool in the valve body expands slightly and sticks? Or the TCC solenoid stick when warm.

Well, I'm real big on diagnosing the problem. But, the above repairs stand a pretty good chance of fixing the problem IMO. Pretty good just isn't the way I'd go. But I'm stubborn that way. I have to find the problem.

The solenoid could also have an internal short grounding itself. Or a wiring issue as said previously.

Maybe by looking closely at the harness and solenoid you will only be dropping it one more time? I'd go that route.

rob2337 said:
By the way, check this out guys.


All ford dealer service cds & DVDs 92-02 car and truck

A neighbor of mine that has cable service (Optimum Online) was nice enough to let me download the 93 truck disk. When I tried to run it, it seems that there weren't any files copied into a folder called C:Ford/Pubs. It is supposed to have a file that ends with .exe to run the program. I don't know why it didn't install right. I have even tried to install it again, but didn't get any results the second time either. Any ideas? Does anybody have that .exe file that they could email me?

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ok, I dropped my transmission pan and pulled off the TCC solenoid connector. I'm about to take it for a spin, I'll let you guys know what happens. Hopefully it will lead via elimination to the cause of my problem. Now here is a problem I discovered. When I dropped the pan, I drained all the fluid into a nice clean pan. When I looked at the pan.....sigh......metal shavings. Very fine powder, like after filing somthing. The good news is that they are not Steel, they are Aluminum ( Won't stick to a magnet) Is this really bad news? What could be causing aluminum shavings in the pan?
