Fog Light LED Conversion Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fog Light LED Conversion Question


- When In Doubt, Redneck It Out -
Elite Explorer
February 21, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Jacksonville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 C1500
Anyone know of an easy way to get the inner section out of the fog light assembly? Just those four screws, don't want to have to take the bumper and brush guard off again just reach the top screw and take the whole dang assembly out. I think I could just take the bumper corner that used to be chrome off and maybe reach them? But after the one I tried at the junkyard, rather not break it in the process. Any tips here? I'm stuck in a standstill on what would just be easiest.

EDIT: Finished this project in the Deathrow Update Log thread, can go look there about how and what I did to install them.


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Sorry, I don't know an easy way to get at them, but had to post this of my fogs. I replaced them completely with some that have LED halo's:


I found these on Ebay for less than $40......................just a thought and good luck with them.

Well I did just pull the bumper corner off which works. But my issue is that the mounting brackets on the new ones don't match the stock ones, they're just between them. So I'm going to have to redneck something for it. I'll keep this updated on what I do, get some pictures of the replacement fogs too and post 'em later.

^ Maybe fab an adapter bracket out of plate aluminum?

Keep in mind that according to a lawyer 'site post I saw, quote "Bear in mind that it is illegal to use fog lights in Florida when there are other vehicles on the road, EXCEPT in foggy conditions", which means that you should choose amber lights, because a bluer tint white from typical LED housings has no purpose if you can't use them in daily (nightly) driving, is worse than not having them turned on in fog, creates a glaring wall of light right in front of you. Some people have found amber lenses or films to accomplish this, but the most efficient way to go is amber LEDs in the first place, instead of white then blocking over half the light to only let the amber tinted spectrum out.

^ Maybe fab an adapter bracket out of plate aluminum?

Keep in mind that according to a lawyer 'site post I saw, quote "Bear in mind that it is illegal to use fog lights in Florida when there are other vehicles on the road, EXCEPT in foggy conditions", which means that you should choose amber lights, because a bluer tint white from typical LED housings has no purpose if you can't use them in daily (nightly) driving, is worse than not having them turned on in fog, creates a glaring wall of light right in front of you. Some people have found amber lenses or films to accomplish this, but the most efficient way to go is amber LEDs in the first place, instead of white then blocking over half the light to only let the amber tinted spectrum out.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I was thinking for installing them. Florida is a little strict on that, but at the same time, I rarely have to use them anyway. It rains often but doesn't fog very much, not at this season at least, and the rains never really thick enough to think about using 'em. Honestly if I had a way to return the lights I'd probably just swap it to an older bumper without foglights and install some other aftermarket ones to the grille guard or the roof rack. But instead, I get another fun project.

Forgot to add this earlier, these are how they look, fogs + daytime running lights. Am deciding if I want to add that yellow filter on the lens for the fogs. But until I finish up some of my other current projects, this is not a priority in my list right now, so updates will be slow.


Hard to tell how that matches up to the mounting, I'd probably take a piece of cardboard and mark the vehicle mount locations and available space, then compare to the light to make a template for fabbing a bracket... hard to guess about fitment without eyeballing it in person.
