T-case swap ?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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T-case swap ??

Wanting to go lower gears and possible manual T-case, was going to try to adapt a 79 bronco case, but what other T-cases will swap in and be lower geared?? Some older Rangers or something? Thanks for the help:confused:

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You really have 4 options.

1.V-8 swap: TONS of transfer cases to choose from

2.T-5 tranny swap, there are a few to choose from with this one as well.

3.C-5 swap, good ones here too.......

4.Atlas II

What do those Tranny's come in??? And what t-cases? Is the atlas a automatic t-case and what is the gear ratio??? Thanks

If you want lower crawl ratio, the 78-79 Bronco transfer case is the wrong direction, it is an NP205 and has a 2:1 ratio. The factory ratio of the BW1354 is 2.69:1 (maybe a little off but close). If you want a lower ratio then go with an Atlas or something custom.

No, the Atlas II is not an auto tcase. It has 2 levers (that can work with a full center console). I believe it's available with either 3.8:1 or 4.1:1 lo ratios. The Atlas II seems to be a well respected product.

The atlas II is available in the 3.03 Highlander, 3.77 Goliath, and 4.33 David configurations. A stock 79 Bronco Transfer case, np205, has a 1.96 ratio, but it is virtually unbreakable. If you're looking for a lower ratio and want to use the np205, you'll have to use a doubler kit along with a second transfer case, such as an np208.

Save your money and by an AtlasII. It's gear driven and bullet proof. I have one and really like it, plus I can run 4.10 gears and still have a lower crawl ratio than 4.88's with no AtlasII.
Now all I need is a KluneV.

Is the Atlas II a direct bolt in? How much are these cases? So what if I ran 4.88 gears with a atlas II, I will be on 36" swampers. Think this will give me a good crawl? Why do you need a KluneV know?? Sorry for all the newbie questions:D :D

Mudd***** where can I find more info on the doubler you talked about using a NP208?

this place sells a doubler for the 203/208.

Dead Link Removed

4 to 1 transfer case gearing in a package strong enough for big block power and full size trucks.... Or any other really abusive application you can come up with!

We've dramatically changed the Doubler™! The Gen2 Doubler™ is stronger, more compact and more versatile than ever. We've also developed a Doubler™ for Ford vehicles. See details below.
First, the Basics: The Doubler™ is an all gear, dual transfer case system uniquely suited to full size trucks or other heavy duty, high output/abusive applications because of the durability of its components (all massive helical gears and large input/output shafts). Basically, the Doubler™ consists of the gearbox section from an NP203 transfer case coupled to a complete 205 transfer case. This gives you an additional low range gear of 2:1 for an overall low gear of 4:1. Adding lower transfer case gearing gives you huge improvements in off road control and torque without affecting your highway gear ratios(4.10's with 37-38" tires works well). Adding a gearbox also allows you to run in your normal 2:1 reduction or in super low 4:1 reduction for best performance in any situation. We use a combination of bulletproof and easy to find factory parts with a minimum number of modified components to give you easy bolt together gearing options.

Part Number Application Price
GU4004 fits GM 203 to GM TH400 version 205 $740.00
GU4005 fits GM 203 with solid output yoke $800.00
DU4004 fits Dodge 203 to GM 400 version 205 $760.00
DU4005 fits Dodge 203 with solid output yoke $820.00
FU4001 fits Ford 203 to Ford married 205 $740.00
FU4002 fits Ford 203 with solid output yoke $800.00

Kit Components

The basic Doubler™ kit is intended for the "do it yourself" user and includes all the parts necessary to mate your 203 gearbox and your NP205 transfer case. These parts are a splined and heat treated adapter shaft to install in your 203 range box, a machined steel adapter housing, and the necessary gaskets, seals and hardware. We provide an oil fill and the breather port for the 203 range box.

Ford Transmissions (most types):
Conveniently for us, Ford used an identical round bolt pattern and 31 spline output shaft for all of the truck type transmission and transfer case combos. This means you can take your Ford NP203 and bolt it directly in place of most Ford transfer case without adapter and shaft changes. This also seems to carry into late model trannies also. If only GM used this system!
There are a couple of different output housings available for the back of the C6 that you should be aware of, info is a little sketchy but we know of at least 2 lengths, one is about 7" long and the other is about 5" long. The output shaft length must match the output housing length. Otherwise you can bolt a Ford NP203 gearbox directly in place of the Ford NP205, NP208, or even the newer aluminum cases.

You could also try a cheaper doubler kit here: http://www.therangerstation.com/dualtcase.htm

I'm confused, which tranny came in a '92 with auto?

Thanks Cory, and the T-case? I know you're building a serious rig and I suspect, without reading you build-up thread again, that you're going to run an Atlas II. But what do you think of this doubler for a daily driver that wheels?

The T-case is a Borg-Warner 1354. Most likely an Electrically shifted one at that.

Atlas 2 = Yes.

Which doubler? The 1350/1354 one?

Personally I don't think the second t-case is strong enough to handle it in a vehicle as heavy as the Explorer.

The 203/205 doubler would be more than strong enough, but would weigh more than you do and would require all kinds of conversions to get to bolt up.

Thanks Cory.
