T-Maxx | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stang Girl

Explorer Addict
July 11, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Bastrop, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 Cobra R Clone
First, a little history. I was given a T-Maxx by one of my car club buddies to see if I could get it working...not that I know much, but more than him. He had received it from someone else during some car part trading...Anyway, he decided he didn't want it so he gave it to me and my son. I was just trying to get my son's Duratrax Evader (electric) going again so I just let the T-Maxx sit for a few months. For my son's b'day last weekend, we got him a new motor and spur gear to get his Evader running. Jeff (SVO) put it all together and the smile on my kid's face was priceless. :D Since I am buying parts, I buy a new glo-plug and some fuel to see if the T-Maxx will even run. Well, last night, Jeff pulls it out of the box and starts tinkering with it. Notice it has some teeth missing on the spur gear, but he gets it running and we play with it a little bit but it's a little too dark to have this huge thing flying around the driveway and street so it sits until....

I get this call a few minutes ago from Jeff, who stayed home today. He starts talking about my toy and how well it ran and how we do need to get some new parts for it. I'm thinking, ok, he found some other stuff, no problem...well, the REAL story comes out a few minutes later...after tinkering with it and getting the tuning just right, etc. and after chasing the dog (who will probably need therapy after this) with it for awhile, he launches it across the street and it crashes into the ditch. :eek: Now we need the original spur gear, but now add 2 shock absorbers, the screws for the shocks, and a new lower control arm. :rolleyes:

I guess to the main point of my post...does anyone have a T-Maxx parts truck? I have a feeling this may happen quite a bit. ;) Thanks and any pointers on running this massive thing would be appreciated. I can barely run my little Mustang RC car, much less a truck that goes over 30 mph!!! :confused:

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My advice... Parts are expensive... And the truck is so much fun you'll drive it till you break it... I'd estimate between purchse and parts and higer HP engine, i'm into my T-Maxx around 1K...

hmmm is it the first t-maxx or the 2.5? I have the 2.5 just sitting around, needs a new carb but other then that its perfect with lots of goodies. im looking for 300+ shipping(since its heavy).
parts: rpm blue front upper and lower control arms (thicker then stock),
steel spur gear 72 or 66 tooth i dont remember, steering servo saver(blue anodized), aluminum braces, front and rear skid plate (also blue anodized), green anodized titanium transmission skid plate, aluminum bumpers and mounts, heavier springs on (stock shocks) with heavier oil(trying to stop sag). e-z start system with batterys (2) and 15 min quick charger.

I also have full roll cage, dodge ram body, and a performance exhaust. If you are intrested its well worth what im selling it for just for the upgrades alone just let me know. p.s. I have photos and the rear bumper (not on in the pics)

Well, the story gets better...since SVO can't play with the T-Maxx until I get new parts for it, he hooks up his video camera to the Evader. Cool vids, will post when I can, but after a little mishap with a rock, it hits the garage wall, and yes...now the Evader has a broken lower control arm.... :eek: Have to get that one fixed before the kiddo finds out... ;) Anyone have an Evader parts truck?? :D

get rpm plastic parts, they are tough, i have yet to break any of my rpm stuff, and they ahve a lifetime free replacement warranty too... or they used to.....

Must be something about the name "Jeff" :confused: .....Sigh...yeah, I've got a T-Maxx too :D :D ! My wife got me the car for Xmas last year and I've already busted the front suspension up 3 times and now need a new motor. I cracked the carburetor housing and the engine block when I wrecked it.....(I gotta stop hitting fence posts at 40 MPH!!! :eek: )

Suggestion for ya on parts. When it comes to the suspension components, make all the inboard parts aluminum (bulkheads, stiffeners, etc) so the basic structure of the vehicle is more rigid and will withstand impacts better, and keep the outer components plastic (control arms, hubs, shock mounts, etc.). That way, the weak point will always be the easier and cheaper components to replace. If you buy aluminum outer components, you're probably gonna bend 'em anyways, so stick to the plastic parts.


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JDraper said:
Must be something about the name "Jeff" :confused: .....Sigh...yeah, I've got a T-Maxx too :D :D ! My wife got me the car for Xmas last year and I've already busted the front suspension up 3 times and now need a new motor. I cracked the carburetor housing and the engine block when I wrecked it.....(I gotta stop hitting fence posts at 40 MPH!!! :eek: )

Suggestion for ya on parts. When it comes to the suspension components, make all the inboard parts aluminum (bulkheads, stiffeners, etc) so the basic structure of the vehicle is more rigid and will withstand impacts better, and keep the outer components plastic (control arms, hubs, shock mounts, etc.). That way, the weak point will always be the easier and cheaper components to replace. If you buy aluminum outer components, you're probably gonna bend 'em anyways, so stick to the plastic parts.

Funny you should say that...I go buy new parts for both the T-Maxx and Evader on Saturday. By noon on Sunday, the T-Maxx is down again with the new parts being JB Welded back together. Do have some great video of the T-Maxx breaking my mailbox...and running over my plants...and hitting the dog. :rolleyes: Then when the T-Maxx is down, up comes the Evader which runs over the mailbox again and hits the tire on my car. :eek:

Jeff has learned how to straighten out shocks though!!! It is pretty funny but he did state that the money we are spending on this thing can easily go for the Navajo, so it may sit for awhile now...until he gets bored again!! ;)

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Definitely go with RPM Parts. I've yet to break anything from them. You may also want to check out eBay, a lot of people buy brand new rigs and then part them out. You can usually pick up a lot of spare parts from one person and save on shipping. I've done that w/ my Revo and Storm.
