Tellico run 08 is a no go!!! What are we gonna do???? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tellico run 08 is a no go!!! What are we gonna do????

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IZ, we have ourselves a convoy...
Which way are you going? Cauz right now I'm aiming to shoot down 95 a little. I-81 pretty much travels the Appalachians Mtns so that's going to be a killer.

We got a good list of people that are pretty excited to make it down. Glad to hear.

Even a few from the other side>>>lol

We got a good list of people that are pretty excited to make it down. Glad to hear.
Yeah definitely. And to think, it all started from a chat convo :D. FlashChat even :D

I'll probably make this one in October, go ahead and count me in. So that leaves me 11 months to get a tow rig.....thats do-able

Hmm, i'll have to stick to the stocker trails ;)

I am at 185 miles 3 and 1/2 hours
I am going to try to make it
might even have some mods done by Oct.

506.56 miles

Posting just to keep advised on the thread.

Note Lee's post #47 on this thread with pics, and do a search on this site for "Tellico" to read about past adventures there in years past. Don't kid yourself: you probably won't get out without at least a little bit of body damage, but the good news is that you can come prepared for the most serious rockcrawling fun you can get out here in the eastern US. There's trails for everyone but bone stockers: there's no trail there at all that I would categorize as "easy". However I've always wanted to take some stockers on the ride of their life up trail 6 and down trail 4 which IMO would be one of the premier rockcrawling adventures that any stock/or near-stock/ 4x4 Explorer could take on this entire continent.

I've fourwheeled something like fifteen states now in my Explorer and can confidently say that if you live out here east and can't travel umpteen miles across the continent to experience Moab or Colorado trails, then Tellico is as good as it gets out here.

Just food for thought for everyone on this thread talking about when to schedule.... Tellico is in the middle of some drop-dead gorgeous Carolina mountain scenery. If you're wanting to come in the last half of the year I'd strongly suggest thinking about hitting it somewhere around the middle of October and hoping to catch the full color of the fall leaf explosion that God shows off about that time of year, it will catch you speechless with its beauty. I've often wondered about a yearly Explorerforum Fall Colors Run that could be held at Tellico like we did for a few years in Colorado, but it never happened. I think it would be a fantastic idea.

I've got dozens of favorite Tellico photos but I'll close this post by attaching one made when there's no one on the trail but our one group and it's negative three degrees on the thermometer.


  • Trail4Snow.JPG
    106.1 KB · Views: 222

I just saw this thread, count me in. Maybe if I have a trailer by then I'll take some of the harder runs. Might even have my second explorer project nearing completion :)

I agree with GJarrett, we went to Tellico a few months back and I would be considered pretty much stock. You will get minor body damage, its just bound to happen at Tellico - even on the easy trails unless its the gravel road of course (Drive carefull on the main roads, very twisty and narrow).

Great picture that you have there posted GJarrett!

As I look @ those pics, I cant help wonder what we're getting ourselves into.
But i know its damn worth it :D. Looks like I'll be on the very edge of my seat for the next 11 months.

Which way are you going? Cauz right now I'm aiming to shoot down 95 a little. I-81 pretty much travels the Appalachians Mtns so that's going to be a killer.

Didn't look into that yet. But if you lead me, I will follow.

So with these harder trails, when are we having a DC Metro area Cage party??:):)

So with these harder trails, when are we having a DC Metro area Cage party??:):)
I've been thinking the same thing. Seriously we need to put a cage party together. We need some SERIOUS protection.

But you know what I heard? I heard Blee is planning to get a bender :D.

Here is a list of people that might go and a list of questionable people/ I was bored so i did this

Might Go:
snoborder88(Possibly with rig)
97 V8
Lbarr2002(Depending on Trailer)

The Questionable People:

And if y'all don't mind, I will probably be bringing a buddy of mine with his Jeep Rubicon w/35".

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