Thanks to Ford Engineers of 96 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thanks to Ford Engineers of 96 Explorer


New Member
January 19, 2016
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96 explorer
I had a 96 2 door Explorer for 20 years. Took it thru 3 countries and both coasts with 420+ thousand miles. It has helped me and others in numerous cases and has run beautifully thruout that time. (Except for losing the transmission in Queens in '06)

A couple of weeks ago on Jan 2nd I hit a patch of black ice on Hwy 65 in Indiana. At 65 mph this vehicle rolled over for almost 10 seconds. When it stopped I was hanging upside down. I unlatched myself and was able to scoot out by myself.

The damage was so extensive you would never believe anyone would survive it but I did with a swollen ankle and a sore upper back.

I am compelled to share this in this forum to give kudos to the safety engineers of that 96 2 door Ford Explorer. (according to the sticker on the rear window it was assembled in Kentucky).
I know that model year was much maligned in the news but after 2 decades of use it was able to protect me in its final violent moments.

So if there are or if anyone knows the people who put that car together...I'm alive and reasonably kicking to say thanks.

Welcome to the forum, great first post! Are you planning to get another Explorer?

Welcome to this forum! U-Haul should read your post then reconsider their non rental of trailers policy based on your experience. It's good to hear some positive feedback from people instead of constant complaints about the engineers for making things hard to work on.
