The BEST MOD EVER and who's using it?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The BEST MOD EVER and who's using it??


Elite Explorer<br><img src="/forums/images/stars4.
November 13, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT 2wd

With everyone always looking for cold air kits, blowers, shocks, lift kits, chips, etc... is anyone using this system and what are there remarks? It seems to me that this would be the MOST IMPORTANT mod any of us (with lower mileage I presume) could ever do in addition to routine maintenance.

With high mileage engines I'm sure it could help but preventing the wear is already past us. Please check this out and respond--and it doesn't have to be Amsoil's oil either. Any good oil (most likely synthetic though) should qualify.

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Sounds like it makes sense. I do know there are a few people on this board who have dual oil filters but I haven't heard of anyone using this specific one.

that looks like a good idea. i already go about 10-15K miles before changing oil. i would love to go 200K miles:)

I think I'm going to stick with my current oil setup. But I was just wondering, why does that site have a Jesus page? Did anybody else notice that?

Originally posted by diablo5969
I think I'm going to stick with my current oil setup. But I was just wondering, why does that site have a Jesus page? Did anybody else notice that?
I like the Jesus page.

....didn't you know that Jesus died for your sins, and to keep your vehicle well lubricated. J/K NO OFFENSE

I agree, I'll with what I do.

Originally posted by Jason_25
I like the Jesus page.

I haven't been here long enough to pick up on everybody's religions yet, so I don't know if that's sarcastic or not.

Originally posted by morrisey0
....didn't you know that Jesus died for your sins, and to keep your vehicle well lubricated

OK, now that's sarcastic

Seems a little too "infomercial-ish" for lack of a better term. Might work though, how about you get one and let us know how it goes? :D

Maybe AgExplorer can give us his Amsoil discount on this too!

hmm, i personally want to know about that damn tornado, everytime the infomercial comes on i end up watching and ponderinging on wether or not to get it
ha ha

also how do i get my site on my profile at the bottom of each post to be a direct link?

From the tests I've seen and talking with users, it's horsedookie. However, one member on here swears by his.

EDIT: talking about the tornado.
Adam, here's a copy of my sig so you can see how it's done:
1996 Supercharged Ford Explorer Sport aka "Splat"
[ url=""]New Homepage[/url ] [ url=""]Truck Write-up[/url ]

If I rebuild this summer I will get one. I have to believe that this can be nothing but a good thing. I became an Amsoil distributor for the discount but I won't "steal" sales from AgExplorer--that's his livelihood!! He has always responded quickly and professionally.

Now I've heard yea's and nay's about breaking in a new engine or rebuild with synthetic. Any PROVEABLE truth to that? If not, with the rebuild I'll put some new injectors in as well and let you guys know how the bypass works. I figure if I have already gotten 200K and still going that I can easily push 350K with the bypass setup.

Originally posted by diablo5969
I think I'm going to stick with my current oil setup. But I was just wondering, why does that site have a Jesus page? Did anybody else notice that?
Read it. It's to help spread the Word. I'm actually very impressed that a company has the guts to stand for what they believe in, even if it may risk losing customers. For me, I'm actually going to start using some of their products because of that.

Jesus or not. I'd only buy a product if I thought it worked. From what I've read on some other threads even synthetic oils have a lifespan. And it isn't 50k! Also there claim that they are nearly eliminating wear from the engine is false too. Engineers say that the largest perecent of wear on a properly maintained engine is at start up. (Read it on the thread that debunks all the oil additives. Look it up.) They said that the wear is caused by a caustic gas that is present at first start. The wear is NOT caused by particles of any size. I'd need to see more convincing info before I'd install it. As said before it seems too infomercialish.

Originally posted by yob_yeknom
Read it. It's to help spread the Word. I'm actually very impressed that a company has the guts to stand for what they believe in, even if it may risk losing customers. For me, I'm actually going to start using some of their products because of that.


So if they say... believed in terroism.. and stood up for what they believed in... you would buy from them?

Completely uncalled-for post flyguy. I've been planning on switching to Synth oils for a while now. I'm not saying I would take a crappy product by a Christian company over a quality product by a non-christian co. The fact that Amsoil is a quality oil, and has the balls to state their faith like that is what convinced me to give them a try over other syth oils. Same with Skyjacker. If you ever order a catalog from them, the inside cover has a statement about their company having Christ as a foundation. I knew they made top-notch suspensions, and are among the most respected of susp. companies, but the fact that they actively acknowledge Jesus is awesome. When it came time to get a lift, the choice of companies was clear to me. Too many people hide their faith because they are afraid of social repercussions.

Originally posted by rossneag

Now I've heard yea's and nay's about breaking in a new engine or rebuild with synthetic. Any PROVEABLE truth to that?

i wish i knew some links. but i do remember reading somewhere on the net (in a few places actually) that dino oil is recommended for the first 1000 miles to condition the seals on the engine.

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My point was that I see people all the time saying that they are a "christian" company or buisness, but when it comes down to it, they are just as likely to screw you over as the next guy. Personally, I think religion has very little to do with buisness and a persons product should have little to do with their beliefs.

