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the never ending clicking


January 1, 2001
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City, State
Northern CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer '91 XLT
I have a '91 XLT and when i pop it into 4x4 there is an initial pop, or click if you will, which i think is fairly normal. After i drive in 4x4 it continues to click, almost like it is winding up and than releasing every few seconds. It is not nearly as loud as the first pop, but it will continue as long as im driving, and when i put the clutch in it does not click as much as it does when i applie the gas. Anyone have an answer to my this normal?

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As long as you are in 4x4 on a slick surface, then those sounds are most likely your hubs going. That is the biggest cause of the noises you hear in early Explorers.

LaXplorer, does it click worse when you are turning than when going in a straight line? If so, it sure sounds like the hubs have gone bad! I had a noise, though it sounded more like a "bang" and the truck would shake/shudder whenever it happened.

If that turns out to be the problem then there's three options for you. First, you could get the hub(s) replaced with Ford auto-hubs (around $350 each). Second you could try to repair them. There is a thread or two around where someone found out how to put a washer behind one of the plastic cams so that the hub engages properly again, or it could just be that they need to be cleaned out. The third option is to replace them with Warn manual hubs, as I did. On this board this seems to be the preferred option as the manual hubs are much stronger and reliable and much cheaper (mine were $208 for both, including installation!).

Well i do think it is like the noises that you have said, but since i posted this, i ahve come across another noise, that makes me want to die. When i was offroading in the snow a few days ago, i went to back out of the trax that i had already made, and as i was doing so, it was almost like the front tires were stuck, and than it made this horrible grinding, or scraping noise. I emediatly stopped and got out and let my buddy back out so i could listen to it, the same noise happens, but it doesnt happen all the time. When i got back in to back out it id not make that noise. I am not all that educated in the workings of the front axle, tires and such when they are engaged in 4x4, but it sounded like the axle was jsut spinning and grinding/scraping against something and not making the tires move. Very disterbing.

I take it you have the auto hubs? They supposedly release when you start backing up (help me out here guys). If you plan to go fourwheeling much, even a couple times a month, invest in the manual hubs.

Thanks for the tip, i think i will do that, will any auto part store be able to install these, or is it easy enough so that i can do it myself.

it is easy enough to do it. just follow the instructions on the explorer tips page and you will be fine

Originally posted by CAC91
I take it you have the auto hubs? They supposedly release when you start backing up (help me out here guys). If you plan to go fourwheeling much, even a couple times a month, invest in the manual hubs.
Chris, you're correct, the hubs actually disengage, then re-engage when changing directions (forward to reverse or reverse to forward). The re-engagement is caused by the front axles continuing to turn because the 4wd is still "on". Couple that with the fact that some of the parts are made of plastic and you've got one pathetic piece of equipment.

Originally posted by LaXplorer
When i was offroading in the snow a few days ago, i went to back out of the trax that i had already made, and as i was doing so, it was almost like the front tires were stuck, and than it made this horrible grinding, or scraping noise.

LaXplorer, as far as I know its like this: you've started to back out so the hubs disengage, the front wheels stop turning (because you're slipping in the snow), but the axles don't, then the hubs try to re-engage -- to wheels that still aren't moving. Its no wonder they grind themselves to pieces! That's where the manual hubs are better, once you lock them, they stay locked!
