the official "back in the gym" thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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the official "back in the gym" thread

james t

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January 27, 2002
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well, after being out of the gym for almost a year now, its time to get off my lazy @ss. been going for almost 5 years, then all of a sudden, i just quit about a year ago. havent lost/gained any weight; ive just had 20 lbs. slide down from my shoulders and chest to my belly. switching to light beer did not fix this (as i already suspected), so im back baby!!!

on a side note- our gym allways had a few hot chicks... but dayum! i signed up Saturday and holy crap.... im gonna have trouble concentrating. i can honestly say ive never been this sore in my life.

anyone else here workout?

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I just started back too,after 7 months off,and I was very surprised I still could bench 275 it was a struggle but i got it.:D

bench was never my strong point. most i ever got up was 315. im not even going to attempt 225 right now. :p gotta take it real easy first few weeks...

I'm an aspiring powerlifter. I need to drop some weight to be competative but my buddy is freakin strong. In high school he was 160 at graduation. Now, after 4 years of college he's 240 and benched 425 the day before yesterday. He had 440 at least in him but he was afraid his shirt (bench shirt) was going to bust. He also squats 600 and deadlifts 600. Needless to say he makes me look weak and I'm not too weak. But I love to work out and I feel like crap when I don't. I love the pump when I leave the gym, I feel huge :D .

When I was 23 I had a 405 bench,275 seated miltary press 575 deadlift and 550 squat.I dont do squats and deadlifts heavy anymore,but even at 30 years of age I am still pretty strong:D

Originally posted by 88vert
When I was 23 I had a 405 bench,275 seated miltary press 575 deadlift and 550 squat.I dont do squats and deadlifts heavy anymore,but even at 30 years of age I am still pretty strong:D
That's pretty freakin good. I don't deadlift or squat for a couple reasons. 1) My legs are big enough. 2) My back hurts too much. 3) My arms are to short to be a good deadlifter. Other than that I'm hoping to be at the 400s by November. I got 365 the day before yesterday fairly easy but missed 375 because I was tired. I gain fairly quick because naturally strong. I took like 2 years off from working out and the first day back in the gym I did 225 for 3 reps.

Does anyone have a meal plan that they are on or what? My buddy isn't really on a plan but he tries to take in over 5000 calories a day by eating every 3 hours. I tell him he's crazy but he just wants to get bigger and stronger.

I eat alot of meat and potatoes.Travis have you ever tried a diamond bar for deadlifting?

Originally posted by 88vert
I eat alot of meat and potatoes.Travis have you ever tried a diamond bar for deadlifting?
Yeah I have an it's a little better but in competitons it's straight bar. I like the diamond bar a lot better but doesn't help a lot when you're training for competitons.

I lift every night and then run after. I am in no way trying to get huge, I just want to be strong and have a little bit of endurance. I seem to be a lot smaller than everyone else in this thread cause my max on the bench is only 250 but I only weigh 160. I have a thread somewhere here about weightlifting, I will find it and put the link in. It has somegood pointers in it.

Edit: Here is the thread I started at the begining of the summer, when I started working out again.
Weightlifting thread

ok ok I am going to the gym now. graduating from college is the worst thing I have done for my lifting. I used to be big and dedicated and now 5 months later I am small and stupid. Basically took the past 4 weeks off from the gym and i hate myself. I need to find a lifting partner or something.
Ahh I am to depressed to talk now. goping to consume mass a mounts of protein and lift til the gym closes

I started going to gym when I hit 195 lbs (at 6'0) at the age of 28. Mind you, 195 lbs was mostly fat. What made me go was when I felt my inner thighs were rubbing together! Now, 7 years later (with a whole year off in between) I am down to 185 lbs with 13% bodyfat.

I am no means strong... I'm jealous at you guys who could lift so much I am embarassed to put up my numbers. :)

well, im no longer trying to get big per-say, i just want to get back to were i was. my best was 220lbs. at 6'0" and between 8-9% bodyfat. right now im 205 and *edited out* bodyfat. :p ive got a long way to go, but i should get there quick due to muscle memory. thank God, because i cant imagine starting all over again. i was 145lbs. of bone and skin when i started lifting. im actually throwing in some cardio here and there to get the lovehandles off. should be able to quit cardio in a couple of months.

ahh yes.. the back to the gym fever. lol. i agree with said above... graduating college was the worst.

the biggest thing is to start back easy! don't go all out or you won't keep it up.

I've been trying so hard to get motivated to go back and work out. Back when I was a sophmore in high school I was benching only like 230 when I was 16, but only had like 6% body fat or something. The insane abs, and toned all over. Was working out 2+ hours a day, atleast. Then cracked a rib in lacrosse, and never started back up.

Posts like this don't help, other than to remind me how lazy I am, lol.

I'm only 20, I'm supposed to be all huge and buff, toned and batting hot chicks away!!

I powerlifted from 10th grade on and even competed on my Base powerlifting squad in the Army. Nice only job was to work out 3 times a day and eat.

One thing I learned keep going to the gym.

My best bench without bench shirt was 452.5, best deadlift was 735, and best squat was 690. I never understood how my squat was less than my deadlift. I once did a 2man deadlift totalling 1500 lbs. Oh and we bent the bar even thjough it was made for this kind of lift.

After suffering a back injury I no longer squat or deadlift or even do heavy leg presses.

Oh and I just started back to the gym after an 11 month layoff yesterday

Oh and I have a treadmill, heavy bag and universal gym in my garage just collecting dust. I need to hook up a tv out there and some music. Then I could live out there as long as my garage fridge has beer.

Let's see some pics of those pecs guys ;)

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2 years after I stopped working out....Lol, Senior in highscool there. I'm young not my fault.

Soon enough there will be many a picture making me look bad.


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