the official "back in the gym" thread | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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the official "back in the gym" thread

Well, i can't help but respond to a weight lifting thread. :D I am only 17 years old, so by no means am i huge or even that strong :rolleyes: . I started lifting about a year and a half ago, off and on. I originally started because i needed to get into shape for my black belt test in Tae Kwon Do. And i started to like it, so i'm still doing it ;) . At 6'2" and 185lbs i'm happy, but i plan to put on some lean mass this summer.

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well i started going for the first time to the gym in my life 3 weeks ago. And i really in joy it. I am 24, 5'7" 290lbs. My goal is to get lighter, down to 200lbs be faster run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes, stronger, healthier. After those I would like my arms, chest, and shoulders to beef up some.

I have been walk/jogging for the first 2 weeks with the ladies and old men, this past week i have been trying more and more machines.

In the same 3 weeks i have switched from 3 eggs 3 sausages 1 potato 2 pieces of cheese and 2 pieces of toast for breakfast daily. To oat meal, or bananas or apples. I do not drink soda, i have 2% milk for dessert no ice cream. And only eat fast food once.

I will start writing down my work outs. But does anyone have a web site that can help me develop a schedule, program umm you know what i mean i am just having a brain fart.

I post on The people there are very helpful, and I use the same name there as I do here. You can even start a journal there.

Charlie's_93EB said:
wow thanks i have been readin gthat web site for a day and half now and there is a LOT of very good info

I would also check out that site Premier posted.

Awesome site, thanks Jake. :thumbsup:

Paraphoe said:
I would also check out that site Premier posted.

Awesome site, thanks Jake. :thumbsup:

i will just alittle pressed for time with school. thanks again. :thumbsup:

Charlie's_93EB said:
i will just alittle pressed for time with school. thanks again. :thumbsup:

No problem. I totally hear ya, tough on this end, too.

Man, to think that i actually posted in this same thread a year ago, haha. Overall, in the past year, i've been off and on,more on than off, but for the past couple of months i've been getting back into it alot. I've also started mountain biking alot again, (as i'd taken a couple years off). As of right now i'm about 6'3" and 190lbs. Nothing much, but i've definitely gotten stronger over the past year.
